Revenant's Kiss (Chronicles of the Afterlife)

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Book: Revenant's Kiss (Chronicles of the Afterlife) by Joyce Robles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Robles
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shots is everybody okay? "
                 "Fine," she answered irritably, what the hell was going on here?
                 " Cops won’t be far off Jenny, better wrap this up fast. "
                 "We’ll do what we can, let me know if he passes you guys again." With that she put the radio
back where it belonged at her side. "Two of them, now there are two," she tried to comfort herself
with the idea that it sounded as though the second had made for an escape.
                 "Could explain why there were twice as many victims," Manson offered.
                 "No, he was alone last time, the ones like this are always alone, everything about this is wrong.
Something’s wrong with him and now we have another blood drenched body running around. He
wouldn’t turn one of the victims would he, he didn’t last time, it’s too fucking weird."
                 "The Bishop wouldn’t want you using the ‘f’ word like that." Manson reprimanded from
behind her out of habit, fatherly habits died hard.
                 "I confess almost every day Manny, I think God can forgive me a few measly swear words.
Besides it’s just letting off a little steam, who could it hurt." She looked back at Manson and found him
smiling and shaking his head. Who could it hurt after all, in the end what did it matter if she swore or
not, their imminent death was a possibility whether she did or not, let God sort the details out after that.
                 "Right, onward," Manson’s smile didn’t fade, that always seemed to give her the confidence
that she needed. She’d probably never be sure if he knew that or if he just thought this was really that
much fun. Didn’t matter, she started forward at a quicker speed. Maybe he was still in the area maybe
he wasn’t, point being that he wasn’t dead. She’d messed up again, they couldn’t stick around. With
the cops as close by as they were they will have heard the shots and be coming very soon to
investigate. It was best not to be there when they showed, not that any of her or Manson’s artillery had
been acquired illegally, it hadn’t, but none of it was all that legal to carry on the street either. And the
cops would definitely want to know what the hell they were carrying it all for. That was never an easy
question to answer, and though she was positive that they had contacts that could bale them out, she
didn’t want to be handcuffed and shipped to the police station for hours for doing her job.
                 ‘He’s still here, if the police do come he’ll kill them all, so I wouldn’t worry about them
now. I feel him, he didn’t go far."
                 "Only an idiot would stay here when they could escape."
                 "What?" Manson asked from behind her.
                 "He’s still here," she didn’t look back at Manson this time afraid that it would show on her face
that she’d been addressing the voice in her head. But still there was something about the way the hair
on the back of her neck stood on end that let her know her body sensed something dangerous near by.
"I can’t see a God damn thing up here."
                 "Keep your ears open Jenny," Manson eased, "if he’s still here he’ll come at us soon enough."
                 "I don’t suppose he’d wait for me to be ready too," she tried to reach out with her other senses
but it was as if just the sight of that vampire had made everything in her seize up. Outside of her own
aches and pains her senses wanted nothing to do with finding that vampire.
                 ‘Don’t lose focus, you’re alright. The arm isn’t in anymore pain then it was before now.
You can breath just fine and your senses are all working like normal just open your mind, let go
of the fear and reach out and find him.’
                 She tried to open up to

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