I’ve never seen before.
    “Yeah,” she says breathlessly. “In here. She’s fine. We’re—what? What? Oh, fuck.”
    I’ve never heard Allie curse, so....
    She looks at me with alarm. “Frenchie and Galt are here. Just pulled into the driveway on their bikes. They’re waiting in the parking lot. Drew’s watching. He was about to come in and get us, but he can’t now without creating a bloodbath, and we could get hit in the crossfire . Chase doesn’t know where Mark is.”
    “I know,” she snaps. She listens urgently to Chase, then adds, “We need to get out of here.”
    “We can’t,” I point out. “If Frenchie comes back and sees only me, then it’s safer than if he finds us both.”
    She shudders. “He’d love to get his hands on me.”
    “He’d love to get his hands on anything with a vagina, Allie.”
    We both grimace.
    “Look. You hide in the pipe. I’ll put a box over you. Wait until they leave.”  
    “You don’t know what Galt and Frenchie are like, Carrie,” she says in a cold voice. “Galt wants Chase dead. He’d rather see his own son dead than have left the motorcycle club. If he gets his hands on me, Chase will come find me, and then...” H er voice trails off.
    “So don’t. Don’t be here. Go in the pipe and crawl back to Chase.”
    S he puts the phone to her ear and says something quietly to Chase.
    “NO FUCKING WAY!” the phone explodes. Chase can be definitive.
    “Yes!” she yells back. “It’s the only way.”
    “I AM COMING DOWN THAT PIPE!” he bellows through the phone.
    “Only if you have a shrinking machine,” she says back, angry. “I am not leaving Carrie here.” Her auburn-dyed hair is filled with clumps of greasy mud. The trickle of water coming from the pipe has halted. I’m guessing that means it’s stopped raining.  
    I haven’t been outside in over a day. Who knew you could take fresh air for granted? A flash of my dad flies through my thoughts, of being cooped up in a prison cell for three years with one hour a day outside.
    My heart squeezes.
    I grab the phone out of her hand and say into it, “I’m telling her to hide in the pipe. Are Frenchie and your dad still outside?”
    Chase goes silent. Three beats later he’s back. “Yes. Just sitting and waiting. Drew’s behind a car in the lot. He’s probably two hundred feet from you, damn it.”
    “ Where’s Mark?”  
    “No fucking clue.” Chase sounds like he’s chewing on rusty nails. “Look, I gotta get you two out of there. I’ll storm the fucking door if I have to.”
    “That’s a death sentence. For you, then for me and Allie.” And, eventually, Mark , I think. But I don’t say it.  
    “Fuck,” he snaps. “Then get her to hide in the pipe. Face toward you, feet toward me. Tell her to tie the rope around her waist. She needs to have her gun out in case she’s surprised. You got that? Tell her I’ll start yanking if I have to. Shit. ” He makes a sound of frustration. “Maybe you two should just start crawling. Now.”  
    “If Frenchie gets down here and finds the pipe, he’ll start shooting. Or if he carries hand grenades...” I can’t believe the words coming out of my mouth.
    “No,” Chase grunts. “But he’ll have no problem unloading all his ammo into that pipe, and it’s a straight shot most of the way. Fuck.”
    “Maybe I should take the gun?” I ask, tentative. “ I could...”  
    “You ever shoot anything?”
    “Other than in a video game? No.”
    “Then hell no. Allie’s been to the shooting range with me most of this year. She’s got one hell of an aim and she knows how to use a gun. You’d be a liability.” His voice is rigid and firm, but not judgmental. He’s being smart and rational about this.  
    He’s right.
    And he is so Mark’s brother.
    “ You shine on Frenchie and my dad. Try to stall. Drew’s out there and we’re working on reinforcements. Once Mark shows up, this’ll all go down fast. You hear me,

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