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Book: Renegade by Kerry Wilkinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerry Wilkinson
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means underneath that – if I won’t do what they want, then I am disposable.
    I stand, knowing there is nothing more to be said. I only know what I have seen on screen and in the brief moments I passed through on the train. Middle England is perhaps the most defended
place in the country after Windsor Castle and isn’t a place where we’ll be able to keep a dozen people safe. ‘Will you look after everyone I leave behind?’
    Knave nods.
    ‘We’re happy to share what we have with you,’ I say. ‘But any food you can spare for us to take would be appreciated. I’ll see you in an hour.’
    * * *
    As I re-enter our room, half-a-dozen people start chattering at once. They want to know if I am okay and if we are safe. I tell them everything I know, saying that I think we
can be secure here but that if anyone wants to leave, they will be allowed to as long as they don’t mind being blindfolded as they are led out. Nobody moves, which in one way is flattering
and wonderful but in another again makes me realise quite how much responsibility I have for everyone.
    Nobody says it but there is the obvious question hanging between us: what now?
    I don’t tell them about Knave and Vez wanting me to be their figurehead; instead I say that I am going to Middle England and that I need a small team of people to help me. Everyone
volunteers to come but I don’t need to be particularly adept at reading expressions to know that some would much rather stay in the relative safety here. Faith and Imrin are my obvious
companions and Jela is someone who is hard to turn down. She more than anyone has a score to settle with the King but taking her means it would be tough to say no to Pietra. I tell Hart he should
stay to recover but he assures me he is fine and says he will follow anyway. The fact he stifles a cough while replying isn’t convincing but he leaves me little choice.
    I tell Bryony that she should stay safe and she nods an acceptance I know is also relief. She takes Pietra’s hand, hugs her tightly and tells her that she is forgiven for her betrayal at
Windsor Castle. Pietra hugs her back, tears streaming down her face.
    After that there is nothing more we can say. Pietra dries her eyes while the rest of us pack our bags and head through the corridors.
    Knave meets us at the intersection but there is no sign of Vez. Instead there are two others I don’t recognise. They help us fill our bags with food and water, before Knave presses my
knife into my hand and offers the others their choice of blade.
    ‘We don’t have much,’ he says. ‘But you can bet most people out there will have some sort of weapon.’
    He tells me again about the capture squads, that there was more about it on the screen last night and that we shouldn’t trust anyone. I tell him we will wear blindfolds on the way out if
he wants us to, but he shakes his head.
    ‘You’ll need to find us again when you return,’ he adds with a smile.
    He leads us up a narrow flight of steps which seem different to the ominous echoes under the blindfold from the night before. At the top is a hatch that he unbolts and pushes upwards with his
shoulder and a grunt of exertion. One by one everyone steps outside until it is just Knave and me.
    His blue eyes look at me crookedly with fascination. ‘Do you know how many times I’ve left this village since the day I arrived?’ he asks.
    I shake my head.
    ‘Not once. I’ve stayed here and tried to make things happen from this little hole in the ground. You’ve been here less than a day and already you’re happy to trek across
the country to benefit people you don’t even know.’
    I feel awkward standing slightly below him on the steps and shrug because I don’t know what he wants me to say. He opens his arms and, without thinking, I find myself embracing him,
letting him hug me.
    ‘Good luck, Silver Blackthorn,’ he says. ‘I’ll see you again soon.’

    As the hatch is slammed behind me, I look

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