Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

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Book: Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) by Mellie George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mellie George
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feels fucked up now.”
kept my pace with my weights as I said, “I guess I get what you’re saying. I
wanted Everleigh from the moment I met her and it really freaked me out. I
tried to fuck some random groupie the night of the concert but I couldn’t keep
my dick hard. Ever since that night it’s just been Everleigh. If Danni is that
girl for you, grab her and hold on, dude.”
shook his head and picked the bar bells back up. “That’s just it though, man.
Danni’s beautiful, funny, sweet, and incredible in bed but I don’t think I’m
ready to be a one woman guy yet. This whole thing is just crazy,” he said,
lifting the weights again.
why don’t you do what Ryder tried to do? The only way to know if she’s the one
you want is to hook up with a girl.”
glared at him. “Jude, what the hell? I did that right after I met
Everleigh thinking I’d never see her again, not weeks after we’d already slept
together. I honestly was just looking to get off to try and shake the feeling
Evie gave me but it didn’t work.”
Finding a girl and hooking up might help him see what he really wants. If he
can’t go through with it he’ll know for sure that Danni’s the one,” Jude said.
started to protest, not wanting Danni to be hurt by Beau just going out and
fucking some random girl, but before I could Beau opened his mouth and said,
“You know, that’s not a bad idea.”
stopped lifting weights and glared at both of them. “Are you serious? You would
really risk something with her just to get laid?”
not just about getting laid, Ryder. It’s a test to see if he can go through
with it. If he can’t then he will know if he’s really in love with Danni,” Jude
if he does go through with it then he’s not only going to fuck up a good thing
with a good girl, it’s going to piss Everleigh off and I’ll have to beat his
ass. I told you whose side I’d be on if it came down to this. I love you like a
brother, Beau, but Everleigh is my entire world and something that hurts her
hurts me too. Are you willing to risk this?” I asked.
put the bar bells down again and sighed. “Look, it’s worth a shot. I’m not
going to sleep with anyone, okay? I just need to know if this thing with Danni
is lust or…something more. If I feel like hooking up with a girl tonight then I
will still stop it, at least until I talk to Danni. I promise, okay?” he said.
“Everleigh has become a good friend to me too and I don’t want to do anything
to hurt her. I just need to know.”
my head, I stood up. “Well, you two are on your own because I think that this
is going to be a disaster. I’m going to take a shower and head out. Let me know
if I need to kill you next time I see you,” I said, picking up my bag and
heading to the showers. Damn Jude and his big fucking mouth.
showered quickly. After I was dressed I checked my phone and saw I had a
message from Kris.
    So Jess was dying to see Everleigh
and Danni so I’m currently going stag, ha. U wanna grab a beer, maybe shoot
some pool?
wasn’t ready to head back to the penthouse yet because I wanted Everleigh to
have time with her friends so I sent him a text back.
    R: U asking me on a date, big
    K: as sexy as you think u are, u
really aren’t my type, ha
    R: think? Shit, I know I’m hot,
bro, haha. Where do u wanna meet?
    K: The Rock Steady? I think Eternal
Down is in town playing there tonight.
    R: sounds good, meet you there in
grinned as I dialed Everleigh’s number to let her know where I was heading. It
would be nice to see Jagger and the guys again and hopefully make me forget
about Beau’s dumb ass plan.

Ryder’s gone. Tell me what happened with Beau today,” I said to Danni the
minute Ryder walked out of the apartment.
can I at least take my coat off?” Danni laughed, shrugging out

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