to recognize the difference in Jace, see the new, pale smoothness of his skin, the darkened eyes, the cruel glint in those dark eyes that covered any trace of humanity.
    "I don't think I ever knew you," Cam said.
    Jace sauntered in, a mirthless smile pasted on his face. "How can you say that, Cam? You wound me." His hand covered his now stilled heart, his smile unchanging.
    "Where's Aster?" Dahlia asked. Jace's face changed slightly, tightening in annoyance at her question.
    "My lovely mate is none of your business."
    "Why don't you go find her?" Dahlia suggested.
    Jace's gaze left Cam and turned on Dahlia. His lips curled back a little, and she saw the extended fangs.
    "Jace, you need to get control," she said in a low voice. New vampires sometimes had a hard time controlling their urges, though they were still subject to vampire law.
    "I don't need to do anything, Dahlia." He cocked his head at her. "Did I ever tell you how much I despised dating you?"
    Cam bristled, and Dahlia ran a calming hand down his arm, keeping hold of his hand. She could hold him back with that small touch.
    "The feeling was entirely mutual," she responded.
    Jace's jaw clenched. "It was worth it only to watch Cam burn," he gritted out.
    "That and to get hold of your sister."
    "It wasn't worth anything to me," she said, aware she fanned the flames. "You know what's funny? I planned to turn you myself."
    Jace's eyes flared.
    "As devoted as you are to Aster," Dahlia continued, "you would have been equally devoted to me. Now that might have been worth the horror of being with you, watching you follow me around like a puppy dog, as you've been followed around all these years."
    Jace roared with anger and lunged at her. Dahlia was stronger than Jace and knew he couldn't hurt her. Unfortunately, she had forgotten to tell Cam, and, as she let go his hand to take Jace down, Cam stepped in front of her. Jace, unable or unwilling to stop his progress grasped Cam and tore into his neck, fighting with his new instinct rather than any kind of sense. In moments, Dahlia was on Jace and had thrown him across the room. He stared at her, stunned.
    "Get out before I rip your head off," Dahlia growled. Then she saw the blood on his chin and turned to Cam, terror ripping through her. He lay on the floor, bleeding.
    "Cam!" she screamed, dropping next to him.
    She felt movement behind her and turned to see Jace had stepped closer.
    "I'm sorry," Jace said. "I didn't mean . . . ." He didn't finish as his eyes fastened ravenously on Cam's bleeding neck.
    Having heard the commotion, Aster burst into the room. One look around was all she needed to figure out what had happened.
    "Get him out," Dahlia commanded. Aster grabbed Jace's hand and dragged him from the room. Moments later, the front door slammed.
    Dahlia turned back to Cam. He was gasping for air. As someone very familiar with blood, Dahlia immediately recognized the difference between arterial blood and venous blood—and there was far too much arterial blood. She grabbed a nearby sweatshirt and pressed the cloth against his neck with a moan, knowing how futile her efforts were.
    "Cam, please, you have to hold on." Tears streamed down her face.
    Wet warmth reached her fingers through the sweatshirt as Cam stared at her with desperate eyes.
    "Cam, I can't . . . I can save you, Cam. But there's only one way. Do you know what I'm saying?"
    Cam's hand came up to grasp hers. He squeezed weakly.
    "I don't know what that means," she cried. "I love you, Cam. I don't want to lose you, but I won't change you against your will. Squeeze again if you want me to try."
    He squeezed once more before his hand slid away. With a cry, she began the process.

    * * * * *

    Dahlia was leaving. She'd submitted to the ceremony, but that was where her loyalty to her people ended. She was ready to be her own person—if a monster could be considered a person. She felt she'd fulfilled her duty, and no longer felt any obligation.
    She closed her

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