Releasing Kate

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Book: Releasing Kate by Cyna Kade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyna Kade
Tags: Romance
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very long before she surrendered to him. Indeed, he often had to fight off advances. He wasn’t into casual sex. His needs were too dark to display them before just anyone. He’d never had to chase before. Normally he accepted any woman’s emphatic declaration that she didn’t want pain but he knew Kate was lying to herself. He craved her submission in the way that only happened with clan women.
    He’d watched Kate’s face and eyes as she’d explored his collection. It aroused her. The thought of a strong Dominant aroused her. She wasn’t as put off by the thought of pain as she claimed. She’d thrive under his control. Clearly though, she wasn’t just going to cave, but neither was he.
    He was tempted by her offer to just fuck her. He knew the sex would be good—physically. Physicality wasn’t enough for him though. He wanted her mind. He wanted her every thought and desire centered on him. He knew he tended to be self-centered and arrogant. No woman had made him itch and ache the way Kate did.
    At least she had no awareness of her effect on him. If she knew how close to the edge he was, she’d probably force the issue. Regular sex wouldn’t satisfy him for long. They’d have a quick fuck and be done. That wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted a long-term relationship—a long-term Dominant/submissive relationship with his mate. A relationship where he felt everything happening to her even as she experienced his body as if it were her own. He wanted her living with him and linked to him in every way.
    The stunt in the parking garage on the first day they’d met had nearly sent him over the edge. He’d taken his anger out on George. He couldn’t afford to give in to his need for Kate. He walked a fine line between coercion and encouragement. He wanted women who accepted and liked his need for control. Women who would submit to his dark desires because theirs were the same.
    When he’d entered puberty his father had explained their heritage. Accepted sexual practices weren’t necessarily enough to create the telepathic link that was vital to their survival. The full exploration of sensation was inherent in their sexual practices. People without their ancestry could never understand that sex without both pain and pleasure would be like an intravenous feeding—no taste or texture.
    When he’d left the clan, his father had warned him that the women he met might satisfy him for a few weeks but that no relationship would last. His father had been right.
    To survive outside Sanctuary, Michael had joined a couple of bondage and Domination clubs. They taught him his desires were real and he was only truly satisfied when exercising dominion over a woman. Unfortunately, the club’s rules and regulations—negotiating scenes and outlining everything—left him craving more. He knew the more was the mental link that could be forged with a mate. A link that would allow him to feel her pain, to feel her needs and limits.
    The clubs were too tame for him. Besides, he’d just get a scene warmed up nicely when it ended. He wanted—no, he needed—long-term commitment. The longest he’d kept a woman had been a week. He wanted more and he knew Kate was just the woman to provide him with what he craved. She just didn’t know it yet.
    As a master strategist, he was used to long-term planning. He just needed to bring his skills to bear on Kate. He needed to proceed slowly but he could up the stakes and push a little harder. She was hesitating and wavering. She needed a few more nudges. He could and would rein in his desires until he could make a quick trip to the clan enclave. He needed to find evidence of Kate’s ancestry.
    His visit to the clan enclave wouldn’t include physical sex. Kate was his mate, he didn’t want anyone else. The visit would allow him to mentally ride the thoughts and feelings of others in Sanctuary. It would feel like a release. It would be enough to tide him over until he could fully mate with

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