Regency Romance: The Rake's Fake Marriage (Historical Arranged Marriage Romance) (19th Century Victorian Romance)

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Book: Regency Romance: The Rake's Fake Marriage (Historical Arranged Marriage Romance) (19th Century Victorian Romance) by Sarah Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Thorn
his face, half covered by the makeshift sling she had made out of a soft blanket. He was resting comfortably, his eyes closed and his hands folded under his tiny chin.
    “Let’s hope your uncle comes home soon and in one piece.” She murmured. “I don’t know what I will do if I don’t get to marry that man and spend my life with him.”
    Her feelings were mixed up inside her. Life was going to be so hard. How would she have happiness and comfort living on a farm that needed a great deal of repairs and a baby that wasn’t hers and a husband who didn’t care if he lived or died? Her muscles had grown strong in the short time she had been on the farm. She had stopped complaining after the first few days, after her conversation with Barbara, in fact. Once she started to put in the effort, she’d realized she really did want to be on the farm; she really did want a family, and she definitely wanted to marry Tyler.
    Instead of going inside, she sat on a wicker rocking chair Tyler had placed on the front porch specifically for her, so she could enjoy the sunrises and sunsets from a comfortable vantage point. She untied the sling and held the little boy in her arms. She rested him on her knees after a few moments, swinging her legs back and forth and cooing at him.
    She was still sitting there when the sun rose up the next morning, and she marveled at the beautiful colors. Surprised she wasn’t tired, she pondered going inside to make coffee. The baby had slept through but was now making sounds like he was hungry. She would have to make him something to eat. She dug through the bag until she found a baby bottle and a small jar of food with a baby’s face displayed on the front.
    She stood up and was about to go inside when she saw a cloud of dust in the distance. She stopped and stared. The dust cloud grew larger, and she turned back to watch the men approaching. She gripped the baby to her tightly as she saw that there were three horses, but Tyler’s was empty. He was doubled up with Jake. Tyler was behind Jake with one arm over his shoulders and his head rested against his back.
    Elizabeth heard a small squeak and realized it was coming from her. Instant tears rose to her eyes. She covered her mouth with one hand.
    “Tyler. Tyler, you man , how could you go and get yourself killed , oh, oh !” Elizabeth moaned. She turned and went inside the house, the porch door slamming behind her as she ran to the den. They had a bassinet there for visits. She carefully laid the baby down, turned and ran back out to the porch to meet the men. She realized there was a horse and buggy also following the men on horseback. It was the doctor from town.
    Exhilarated that Tyler wasn’t dead, Elizabeth ran to Jake’s horse and helped Tyler get down from it. She held on to him, avoiding the large blood spot that had soaked his shirt below his right shoulder. He was holding his right arm to his side and looked at her through pained eyes.
    “It’s…okay, Beth. I’m gonna …live. You…might regret that someday.”
    She giggled though tears were streaming down her face. “That’s so silly, Ty. I will never feel that way. I am so glad you’re going to be okay. I was so worried about you.”
    “I’m sorry I worried you, ” He said. She helped him hobble toward the porch steps, Jake on his other side. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
    “It’s okay, Ty. Don’t worry about it. I ’m fine . You’re…going to be fine.”
    “Where’s Kyle?”
    “He’s in the bassinet.”
    “Good. He’s okay?”
    “Yes. He’s fine .”
    They had crossed the threshold and moved into the den, where a long couch provided a needed bed for Tyler. They lowered him to it. Elizabeth knelt next to him, propping his head up with several cushions. Tyler took her hand in his.
    “Beth, I won’t scare you like that again. I hope that you will stay with me and marry me.”
    Beth kissed his hand. “I don’t want to let you go, Ty. I’m not going

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