Rise of the Spider Goddess

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Book: Rise of the Spider Goddess by Jim Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim Hines
unfamiliar ground and having such an intensely realistic dream, his muscles were in knots. He took a moment to rub a shoulder, allowing the healing magic to flow into his aching muscles. Moments later, he slipped soundlessly out of the room, and into the temple.
    Galadrion was nowhere to be seen. Nakor walked to the temple entrance, where the door was once again mounted on its hinges. Raising an eyebrow at that, he opened the door.
    Raised eyebrow count: 8
    Nakor blinked as the sunlight momentarily blinded him. He was shocked to realize that it had been just last night that he was sitting in his tree, watching the sunset. It felt like ages ago.
    The white-robed initiate who stood outside the door watched him expectantly. It was not the same man whom Nakor had trapped the night before.
    â€œI’m looking for my friend,” Nakor said.
    The initiate nodded. “She went in that direction,” he said, pointing.
    Nakor thanked him, and walked off to find Galadrion.
    He found her sitting on a rock, watching the sky. “Galadrion?” he asked curiously.
    â€œI saw the sunrise, Nakor.” she said quietly. Her voice was trembling. “It came up over there, between those hills.” She pointed to a spot in the distance. “I haven’t seen the sun in twenty six years.”
    Nakor studied her, noticing the tiny pouch she wore around her neck.
    She grabbed the pouch in one hand. “Thomas gave me a way to see the sun rise.” There were tears running down her face, and she still stared at the sky in wonder.
    Finally, she turned to look at Nakor. He was smiling, enjoying the happiness that shone from her eyes. For as long as he had known her, Nakor had never seen Galadrion happy. It felt good to see, and for a brief time it distracted him from his own troubles.
    For a moment, they both sat there, allowing the peacefulness of the moment to last as long as possible. Then Nakor frowned, as memories of his dream came rushing back into his consciousness.
    â€œWhat is it?” Galadrion asked, noting his change in mood.
    â€œTwo years ago, I made a mistake,” Nakor began. “I set loose a force that could eventually destroy my world. It seems only fitting that I be the one to correct that mistake.”
    â€œBut I can’t shake the feeling that I’m not strong enough to do what needs to be done. Olara is a goddess, one that even the other gods are unwilling to act against. Who am I to challenge that kind of power? I’m just another elf with a slight gift for magic.”
    Galadrion looked at him, concerned. Nakor habitually exuded an air of careless confidence. To see him without that mask was disconcerting, to say the least. She searched for words to comfort him, but found none. Finally, she settled for resting a hand on his shoulder, unconsciously imitating Nakor’s gesture from the night before.
    Nakor glanced at her, smiling slightly. Then he began to describe the dream that was disturbing him.
    â€œOlara slashed my sword in half like it was nothing. I was completely helpless as she backed me off of the cliff.” He paused, feeling the helplessness overwhelm him for a moment.
    â€œThen I was back in the temple.” He looked at Galadrion. “It was just as it was two years ago. Scrunchy and Serina had been arguing again. They always seemed to rub each other the wrong way. I don’t even remember what they were fighting about this time.”
    â€œI decided to look around while everyone else dealt with their little disagreement.” He smiled ruefully. “I fell through a trap door into some underground tunnels, and got attacked by some animated skeletons.”
    â€œSkeletons?” asked Galadrion.
    â€œPage 106 of the Monster Manual . Didn’t you do the reading?
    â€œWhen a necromancer, or some other wielder of magic tries to raise the dead, the body must be healed first. Otherwise you end up with zombies or skeletons, or worse. Someone

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