Redheaded Stranger: A Cowboy Love Story (Bluebonnet, Texas)
had been a real challenge for him. All because of Alex’s bad temper.
    Ty leaned over, resting on his saddle horn, and offered Darrach his hand again along with another smile.
    "That’s your Uncle Ty." He nodded and reached out to slap his brother’s palm.  Darrach quickly followed suit with a grin.
    "Damn, he’s cute," Ty mumbled after their game of "Five" was over. "Thank you for apologizing to Betti."
    "Of course."
    "Been down to see Travis?" Ty asked, referring to Zack’s five-year-old son.
    "No. Haven't had a chance."
    He nodded, almost to himself. "You should. He was...what? Three the last time you were home?"
    "You mean, before Thanksgiving? Yeah. That sounds about right."
    "Daddy just loves him. Loves all his grandkids, but you wouldn’t know about that, huh? Cause you weren't here. You were too busy holding a grudge. How’s that working for you? What’s it like, Zan?" he asked, his voice low and conversational for the baby's sake. "What’s it like to be you with your perfect life and your grudges?"
    His eyes on the terrain, Alex sighed. "I was mad," he finally conceded. "What can I say?" Even to his own ears, it sounded lame.
    "That is awful...GD mad, Zan."
    Inwardly, he winced at the sound of his brother’s old nickname for him.
    "Here’s something else to think about. You weren’t here for Travis or Rene, but you also weren’t here for Rhea. You don’t know me. You don’t know what I went through with her. Just like you don’t know what Mom and Dad went through with Delaney, or what Delaney’s been through. You don’t know sh— jack , Zan.
    "Betti might forgive you, but I don’t—" He shook his head. " No , I don’t blame you for the miscarriage, so let’s just get that out of the way. But I don’t forgive you for not being here when I needed you, and I don’t forgive you for what you did to my sister. And I can’t wait for you to leave." He sighed and nodded toward Darrach. "Too bad Daddy won’t get to watch him grow up."
    "Do you know how long I've known about Delaney?" A scowling Alex shifted to face his brother.
    "No, and I don’t care." Ty countered, his dark blond eyebrows drawn together. "Cause that's doesn't excuse you."
    He pushed on anyway, "Ten years," he said with a nod. "Ten years I've know about her. Ten years I've known she was the reason for all the fighting when we were growing up."
    "Oh please. It wasn't that bad, and it doesn’t excuse all the crap you pulled or you not being here."
    "That's not how I remember it. I remember the arguments, Daddy hiding in his study and Momma cryin'—a lot. He didn't just cheat on her—"
    "Let me stop you for a minute—" Ty held up a hand. "Let me just stop you right there and point out two important things. One, Delaney was seven when you found out about her. Seven . She didn't ask for this. She didn't cause this. And that's the most important thing you need to remember. She didn't ask for any of this! Two, the person you're really mad at here, is Dad. You can say whatever you want, but you know I'm right."
    Before he could respond, Ty kicked Dancer and scrambled up out of the creek bottom leaving Alex alone with his son.
    He shook his head and wheeled his own horse around. Alex had done what he could. He didn’t belong here.
    There was nothing for him.
    * * *
    "W e need to go Christmas shopping." Kei hit Alex with the bad news the minute he returned from his ride with the baby. The kitchen was empty so it was just the three of them. He handed over a sleepy, red-cheeked Darrach and then stood staring down at her, his head still crowded with his brother’s words. "We need to go home."
    Kei lifted up her shirt and unhooked her bra, sighing with relief as Darrach latched on. She adjusted her position, settling more comfortably into the chair. "Two more days. Surely you can do this for two more days."
    He sighed, too, feeling almost pained. "Your presents are in the car."
    They stared at each other, both aware of the silent battle

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