“Somebody told me your name,” he said. “It’s Michelle or something.”
“It’s Melanie .”
“Oh, well, hey Melanie. Nice to meet you.” He walked faster to try to get in front of them, but Fred and Melanie picked up their pace. “Tell me, Melanie, do you have a boyfriend.”
Without turning her head, Melanie said tersely, “Yes, his name is Michael, and he’s on the football team.”
He laughed. “I don’t know if I’d admit that, if I were you. They’re not a very good team.” When she didn’t respond he said, “Well, how ’bout you, Red? What’s your name?”
Melanie turned on him and stopped him dead in his tracks with a vicious poke of her finger in his chest. “Her name is Fred, and she’s Jamie Sikes’s girlfriend! Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re trying to get to class.”
She turned away, and she and Fred walked on, leaving Logan standing in the hall, looking dumbfounded. Melanie glanced at Fred and winked. Fred put her hand over her mouth and laughed.
* * *
That night, Jamie dreamed he was lying on the couch with Fred again. I like this dream, he thought. It’s so real. I can smell Fred. She always smells nice .
She was describing what had happened in the hall with Melanie and Logan that morning. He laughed as he pictured Melanie attacking the boy with her finger and setting him straight.
“I’ve decided I like her,” Fred said. “She’s actually a nice person.”
“She hasn’t tried to kiss me lately,” Jamie said.
“She won’t do that again. She’s too nice. I think we’re going to be friends.”
“That’s good.” He reached up and caught his fingers in her red curls, smiling as he did. “You can’t have too many friends.”
“No.” She stroked his head. “And you and I have a lot of friends, Jamie. Try to remember that.”
* * *
When Jamie met Fred at his car the next morning, they both tried to talk at the same time. Jamie gestured and said, “You first.”
“I dreamed we were on the couch again.”
“Me too! Were we talking about Melanie and some jerky guy named Logan.”
“Yes!” She clapped her hands. “Isn’t that amazing?”
“What’s amazing?” Rollie asked as he walked up, backpack slung over his shoulder.
Jamie opened the driver’s door. “We’ve been having the same dream.”
Rollie slid into the back seat. “Sounds spooky,” he said without a trace of surprise in his voice.
“It’s great,” Fred said as she sat in the passenger seat and closed the door. “I remember thinking about Jamie in my dream, and the next thing I know, we’re on his family room couch, talking.”
“And Melanie poked that guy in the chest, right?” Jamie said as he started the car.
“Yes. How did you do that, Jamie?”
“Do what?”
“Make that dream and have both of us in it?”
Jamie shook his head and backed the car out of the driveway. “I didn’t do it. I definitely don’t have that power. That’s not something a sorcerer could do.”
“Then somebody else must’ve sent it to us somehow.”
“No. It had to be one of us, and it wasn’t me.” He winked at her. “So it had to be you.” He grinned and shifted the car into drive. “Maybe you really are the Dream Fairy.”
“Wait a minute!” Rollie said. “Are you saying Fred’s got some magic, too?”
Jamie shrugged. “Maybe some has rubbed off from me, or she picked some up from being in my backyard so much.”
Rollie frowned. “Well I’d better not have any. My dad wouldn’t like that .”
“Maybe you do and you don’t know it.”
“This is dumb,” Fred said. “I don’t have any magic power.”
Jamie steered the car around the first corner. “You might.”
“Hey, Fred,” Rollie said. “That means you’re a witch!”
Fred scowled. “I’m not a witch.”
“Technically, you are, if you really do have some power,” Jamie said.
Rollie grinned. “That means you’re not the Red Queen like we thought. You’re the Red
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Jr. Charles Beckman, Jr.
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