Rebel McKenzie

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Book: Rebel McKenzie by Candice Ransom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candice Ransom
Tags: Fiction - Young Adult
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need to be confident, not brash.”
    â€œI am confident,” I protested. “I’m practically a paleontologist.”
    â€œMaybe,” she said doubtfully, “but you sadly lack grace and poise.”
    â€œGrace? What does that thing we say on Thanksgiving got to do with the price of tea in China?” I asked.
    â€œYou know very well what I mean. Mocking is a bad habit. Along with slouching and lumping along like a camel.”
    She must have been talking about Lacey Jane. She lurched down the road, leaning forward like she was pushing against a hurricane.
    â€œMiz Odenia, can you help us?” Lacey Jane said as we entered the trailer park.
    She nodded. “I’d be glad to give you pageant tips.”
    I didn’t believe she was doing this out of the puredee goodness of her heart. She had to have a reason. “How come?” I asked point-blank. “What’s in it for you?”
    â€œRebel!” Lacey Jane said, shocked. “When somebody says they’re going to help you, you don’t ask them why!”
    â€œRebel has a right to be cautious,” said Miss Odenia. “She doesn’t know me from Noah’s house cat. As it happens, I do want a favor in return.”
    â€œWhat?” I said.
    We stopped in front of Miss Odenia’s trailer, the one with the ceramic kittens climbing the shutters and the flower beds and the plaster frog in the birdbath.
    She clucked her tongue as we walked to the front door. “I’d better tackle those weeds in the portulaca when it cools off. C’mon in. I have lemonade in the Frigidaire.”
    We followed her inside. I gratefully dumped the grocery bag on the kitchen counter and shook my numb fingers to get the circulation stirring again.
    â€œI’ll bring the drinks into the living room,” Miss Odenia told us.
    Her living room was nothing like Lynette’s. Old dark wood chairs were covered in faded flower print material. Tables displayed black-and-white photographs in silver frames. But no people, at least not whole people…just hands .
    There were framed magazine advertisements of hands touching toasters, holding telephones, flaunting diamond rings. Between the frames, statues of hands wore draped bead necklaces or fancy gloves. Over the sofa hung a gigantic photograph of a hand.
    Creeped out, I elbowed Lacy Jane and whispered, “Next time, warn me.”
    Lacey Jane’s eyes were practically out on stalks. “I’ve never been in here before either,” she whispered back. “Miz Odenia’s always watched us kids when she was outside working in her yard.”
    I stared at a photo of a hand holding a carving knife. “What’s wrong with pictures of kittens?”
    â€œI think it’s neat,” Rudy said. No surprise. His taste was all in his mouth, or else why would he have a crush on Bambi?
    â€œHere we go.” Miss Odenia set a tray of glasses on the coffee table. She had taken off her gloves. I tried to see if her fingertips were sandpapered, like a safecracker’s. “Now, let’s get down to brass tacks. You girls are in sore need of help. I know for a fact Bambi Lovering has entered the pageant. She has a lot of experience. I can teach you how to walk and conduct your interview.”
    I drained my glass of lemonade, then said, “What’s the catch?”
    â€œIn exchange for pageant lessons,” Miss Odenia said, “I’d like you girls to serve at my card parties on Tuesdays and Fridays. I’m tired of doing all that work myself.”
    â€œServe?” I lifted one eyebrow. I didn’t like the sound of this.
    â€œRefreshments,” Miss Odenia said.
    Handing out cookies at a party didn’t sound too bad. “When do we start?”
    â€œTomorrow at noon. Wear nice clothes. No shorts or T-shirts.” She looked pointedly at me. “The lesson will be first. My party is from two to four.”

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