Reaching Out for You

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Book: Reaching Out for You by S Moose Read Free Book Online
Authors: S Moose
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
her hand to him.

    Adam takes her
hand. “Yeah I remember you. What happened? You were talking to me one day and
then completely ignored me,” he asked laughing.

    I look away from
the both of them but see Erin ’s scowl on her face. “Oh you know how it
is!” She eyes Connor and starts smiling. In all the years we’ve been friends,
I’ve never seen her smile that way to anyone. “So what’s your name?”

    I look over at
Connor and smile reassuringly when I see him blushing. I remember how painfully
shy he is around girls, but never me.

    “Connor,” he
quietly responds. He looks at me and I give him an encouraging smile.

    Erin moves away from me and walks over to
Connor. “Well it’s so nice to meet you Connor.” She says in a flirtatious way.
She turns around, winks at me then looks between them. “Are you guy’s hungry?”

    I cautiously
look up at Adam and wonder what he wants to do. It’ll be nice to spend time
with both him and Connor but I don’t want him to feel obligated to go. “You
don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

    Adam smiles and
pulls me to his chest a little tighter. “It sounds like fun.” He looks over at
Connor and smirks. “Connor you down?” My heart is beating fast and doing flips.
The sharp pain I used to feel is going away and now the ache of wanting him to
be mine lurks its ugly head. I look over at Erin and can see the thrill on her face of
playing matchmaker.

    I see Connor’s
lips start curving in that mischievous way, “Oh yeah I’m down.” He gives me a
wink and I can’t help but laugh. I miss him and his laughter so much.

    “Perfect!” Erin claps her hands together. “I’ll drive.
Connor you can sit up front with me.” Erin loops her arm through Connor’s. “You’re cute you know.” I see Connor’s body
shoot straight up. I don’t know why he’s like this.

    I watch as
Connor and Erin walk in front of us. I notice that Adam’s arm is still around
me. I slide my arm around his waist and hear his breath hitch. I feel alive and
awake. It’s as though I slept for millions of years and his touch was all I
needed to wake up. I want to be able to give him my heart and trust that he
won’t break it but I hold back just a little because I’m not sure what will
happen between us. I’m trying hard not to shake as I bite my lower lip and
think about what could be. Adam kisses the side of my head and pulls me in
more. “Stop thinking,” He quietly says, “Let’s just have fun tonight.”

    “How do you know
I’m thinking?” I ask suspiciously.

    “I know you Soph .” He squeezes my shoulders and I relax.

    Erin and Connor
get in the car and when we get there I’m about to let go of Adam when he opens
the door for me. It’s been a while since someone did this for me. “Thank you,”
I say to Adam.

    “You’re welcome Soph .”

    As we all get in
and start driving, I look out the window as my mind runs wild. I see all the
Christmas lights throughout the trees and buildings. The night sky is full of
stars and it’s beautiful out. The burning sensation goes through me as Adam
takes my hand again and caresses it gently. The spark that ignites with each
touch sends me in a frenzy . I look over at him and see
a smile on his face. I feel vulnerable with him, but in a good way. I want to
share with him my heart and soul. His gestures show me that we’re ok but I
sense a part of him is holding back like I am. I want to hear the words from
him. I need to hear him tell me what he feels for me. I try to think about a
good time we can talk about what I’m feeling and hope he feels the same way.

    “So Adam I hear
you’ve been friends with my BFF since forever.” Erin looks in the rearview mirror smiling. I
want to strangle her. My body tenses and this is exactly what I wanted to avoid

    Adam pulls his
free hand through his hair, “I’m sure Soph told you

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