Rapture's Rendezvous

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Book: Rapture's Rendezvous by Cassie Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Edwards
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to it tha’ you don’ get hurt none,” Sam growled.
    Alberto swallowed hard, gritting his teeth. He didn't want to show a cowardly side to his nature. But he didn't want to get hurt, either. He had not only himself to protect, but also Maria. “What do you want?” he said quietly, knowing the answer to that before he even spoke. Sam had come for the money. Alberto had been set up. He looked toward Grace and saw the look of mockery flashing in her green eyes, making them look even more like those of a cat. His eyes raked over her nakedness, so sure it wasn't he who would be sleeping with her now. He had lost… and more than money… it seemed.
    Sam shoved Alberto onto the bunk. “Get ‘im ready, Grace,” he growled. “You know wha’ I mean.”
    Alberto was now able to see all around him. His heart throbbed wildly when he saw Sam standing there with a knife in one hand, and the other resting on a holstered gun. Hopes of coming out of this alive quickly dwindled.
    â€œCome on, darlin'. Relax,” Grace purred, stretching her body out next to Alberto's.
    â€œWhat the … ?” Alberto gasped, suddenly realizing that Grace was continuing with her efforts of seducing him. Her fingers traced a path downward, stopping on his manhood, fondling it until it sprang up again, even though there was an audience. He closed his eyes, not wanting to be a part of this ugly scene, but he couldn't control the lusty urges building up inside him. When Grace's tongue replaced her fingers, he stiffened, breathing wildly, feeling the warmth seizing his insides,ready to erupt into a million spasms of delight. Then Sam stepped forward and took Grace by the hand. . . .
    â€œEnough, little woman,” he snarled.
    Alberto opened his eyes, startled. He watched as Grace went to stand across the room to watch while Sam approached Alberto with his breeches removed. “What do you think you're going to do with me?” Alberto shouted, trying to climb from the bunk, but stopped when a gun-toting Grace walked across the room, pointing it at Alberto.
    â€œNow, just you shut up, darlin',” she purred, smiling wickedly. “You're soon to find out just how we get our pleasures aboard this movin’ vessel. There's more to life than playin’ poker. . ..”
    â€œYou . .. can't. . . .”Alberto whined, then felt Sam's fingers twist around his hair to yank him from the bunk.
    â€œWe . . . can .. . and we will, sonny boy,” Sam growled, moving around to Alberto's behind.
    â€œStop. . ..” Alberto moaned when he felt the stiffness of Sam's sex press against his buttocks. When the lunge was made inside him, he gritted his teeth together, to keep from screaming. He closed his eyes. It was all too humiliating. He tensed when the pain began to wrack his body. He was being raped . . . but. . . by a . . . man. He had never felt more degraded in his life. He would be nothing but grime when these two finished with him.
    He began to tremble as cold sweat began to pop out along the full length of his body. He opened his eyes momentarily, to see a look of hungry desire in Grace's eyes as she continued to stand and watch. When Sam's body became all tremors, Alberto felt as though hisbody was going to be torn in half. He couldn't help but let out a loud sob as he was pushed to the floor in a heap. He rolled up into a fetal position, waiting for the final insult. . . death. But he would welcome it now. . . .
    â€œGit up and get yore clothes on, sonny boy,” Sam growled, already dressing himself.
    Alberto's eyes opened widely. He looked around the room, searching for his clothes. He felt anger rising inside himself when he saw Grace emptying his pockets of everything. They had taken his male virginity from him . . . and now they were also taking his winnings. He had lost. Everything. Everything … but… Maria. “Oh, Maria,” he thought desperately to himself.

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