Raindrops on Roses: Book One of the Favorite Things Trilogy

Read Online Raindrops on Roses: Book One of the Favorite Things Trilogy by Millenia Black - Free Book Online

Book: Raindrops on Roses: Book One of the Favorite Things Trilogy by Millenia Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Millenia Black
Tags: Romance, love triangle, new adult, trilogy, new adult romance, new adult fiction, Betrayal, Cliffhanger, trilogy book 1
of the grandchildren on
coverage of the funeral service.
    So that's why he had to go to that goddamn
funeral without me—he's been having an affair with Veronica Bauer's
    "Oh my God." Amber's head
went from side-to-side as her heart rate spiked into the unknown.
"No, no, no , no, no, "
she whispered fiercely. Her worst fears lay right there, scorching
the palm of her hand. She had suspected it, but the reality was
like a dagger to the heart.
    Wiping away her tears,
outrage set in. He was her goddamn boyfriend, wasn't he? Well, he owed her a
fucking explanation!
    Amber spun around and
charged into the bathroom. She pushed the door open with such force
it slammed up against the wall and Michael jumped back in
shock. "All this time, you've been
cheating on me?! " she yelled.
    "Priscilla Bauer!" she
shouted. "Priscilla! Bauer! You’re messing around with her? " She held up his
phone. "I saw the text message! 'Missing you lots. Call when you
land.' Tell me that means you're not cheating, Michael."
    Looking a bit shell-shocked, Michael reached
over and turned off the taps.
    "Say something, damn it!" she shouted,
because his silence was deafening. She could feel a blackness
rising in her heart.
    Michael said nothing as he calmly stepped
from the shower, dried off and wrapped a towel around himself.
Walking over to her, he took her by the hands. "Am. I'm sorry. But
just calm down a minute and let me explain." Taking a deep breath,
he closed his eyes and said, "I've been trying to find the right
time for this...the right way to tell you. I guess this happened to
force me to do it now. Today. This is it."
    Amber saw red. I knew it!
    Leading her out into the bedroom, Michael
sat her down on the bed as if she'd break if he weren’t gentle.
"This isn't the way I wanted you to find this out," he began. "I
wanted to tell you about this myself."
    I knew it!
    He looked very, very sad
but held her gaze as he spoke. "Yes, it's true," he continued,
"I am seeing
someone else and I'm gonna be moving out, Amber. It's time to end
our relationship."
    And that got the room
spinning. Amber felt oxygen seeping from her brain. Blood freezing
in her veins. This can't be
happening, she thought. This was not happening .
    Stunned into silence, all
she could do was sit there staring at him. Damn it! Why didn't I just leave that fucking text
    "Michael..." It was barely a whisper.
Somehow her rage had vanished, leaving an intense devastation in
its wake. She felt like something was breaking. "When did you stop
loving me?" she asked him wide-eyed. "What did I do?"
    "Nothing," he said quickly. "You haven't
done anything, I promise. This is not your fault."
    "Then why? Something must've gone wrong
between us? How long have you been seeing this girl? When did all
this start?"
    He shook his head. "I don't see any point in
going into that, but I definitely don't want you feeling like it's
your fault, Am, because it's not. Sometimes people grow apart. It
happens all the time."
    "Grow apart? I've devoted
my whole life to
you, to this relationship. I've never been with anyone else since I met you. I've
never wanted to
be with anyone else! I've been faithful to you since high school,
Michael! Since high
school! "
    He bowed his head and
looked away. "Amber. Look. I'm sorry. I feel really bad about hurting you—believe
me, I really do." He paused. "But listen: we're still young people!
You're gorgeous and you'll meet someone else. I guarantee it. You won't have a
problem moving on."
    Just not with you, she thought. 'Cause
you've had your fill.
    Devastated by his words, she started crying.
"I can't believe you," she heaved. "I've loved you more than
anything for the last ten years...and this is what I get in
    She slapped his hand away.
"Don't touch me. Do not touch me. I can't believe you! I can't believe you're
willing to throw us away for a piece of rich-bitch ass. How could
you do this to me? How could you?" she

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