Ultimate Kill (Book 1 Ultimate CORE Trilogy) (CORE Series)

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Book: Ultimate Kill (Book 1 Ultimate CORE Trilogy) (CORE Series) by Kristine Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristine Mason
and I’ll cut his dick off and stuff it down your throat.”
    She gasped and held a hand to her neck.
    “Do you doubt me?” he asked, narrowing his gaze.
    “I wouldn’t,” Ric said as he entered the dining room through the main entrance. “Actually, I’ll probably end up being the one to cut off said dick and do the stuffing. And quite frankly, the thought of touching another man’s junk just doesn’t settle well with me. So do us all a favor, Liliana, keep your legs closed and your mouth shut.”
    He grinned at his right hand man. “Well said.” He glanced at his wife with disgust. “Now get the fuck out of my dining room and go listen to my daughter play the piano.”
    The fear and defeat contorting his wife’s face made him chuckle. When she didn’t move, he rose from the chair. “And by the way, dear , just for being a whiny bitch, the next time I bring a woman to my bed I’m going to make you watch.”
    Ric burst into laughter as Liliana rushed from the room. “You wouldn’t, would you?” he asked, wiping tears from his eyes.
    He pictured Liliana bound to a chair and watching as he bent the sexy little maid over the bed and pounded into her body. Aroused, he decided he most definitely would make good on his threats.  
    “What do you think?” he asked Ric.
    The sadist grinned. “Forget I asked,” he said and poured a cup of coffee from the serving cart Alison had left behind. “I heard from Santiago.”
    He resumed eating breakfast. “Are we on schedule?”  
    “They reached St. Louis last night around ten. Took care of business and then flew to Peoria, Illinois. Today they’ll take care of the stops in Indiana and Ohio. Tomorrow, Tennessee and Virginia. We’ll be set to go Monday morning.”
    “Excellent. And the hired help?”
    Ric shrugged and took a seat. “Bright enough to do the job, but too dumb to know what they’ve gotten themselves in to.”
    The men Ric had hired were brothers who lived in the area. The one brother had tried to find a job with his company and after he’d been quickly dismissed due to his prison record, he’d gone to a local bar where many of his crew would hang out and drink. While there, he’d proceeded to become inebriated and had spouted off about how he and his brainy brother had pulled off a bank robbery without even entering a bank. Santiago had been there. Knowing what he and Ric needed to flush out the bitch who had evaded him for eight years, the Columbian had called Ric. After looking into the brothers’ background, he and Ric had decided they would not only be useful for this particular job , but easily dispensable.  
    “Very good.” He pushed his plate aside. “And my speeches, are they ready?”
    “Already on your desk. Of course I’m biased, but I think they’re probably my best work to date. You’ll look like a hero and leave the country longing to have a man like you in the White House.”
    He smiled. President of the United States of America . Now wouldn’t that be some wild shit?
    “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Besides, could you imagine Liliana as my First Lady?”
    Ric chuckled and shook his head. “You know my opinion of your wife.”
    He did. Which was why he wouldn’t give Ric free reign over her. Yet. If she didn’t die of malnourishment or suicide within the next year, then he’d let Ric do as he pleased. He couldn’t imagine having to be married to the scrawny shrew for any longer than that.
    “Speaking of which,” Ric said and set his cup on the table. “If she is stupid enough to have an affair, please let me just kill her and her lover. I really don’t want to cut another man’s dick off. Aside from being a bloody mess, I wasn’t bullshitting Liliana. The homophobe in me really couldn’t stomach touching a man.”
    He laughed and pushed his chair back. “Ric, if you’re going to eventually follow me to the White House, you’re going to have to learn to become politically correct, as well as more

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