Quinn's Lady

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Book: Quinn's Lady by Amanda Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Ashley
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the edge of the sofa, she used her athame to make a tiny cut in her thumb. Murmuring an incantation, she held her hand over the grimoire. A small drop of blood fell onto the cover, sizzled a moment, then disappeared. A faint puff of what looked like white smoke rose from the book when she lifted the cover.
    Quinn moved in behind the sofa and peered over her shoulder. The page she was studying looked like an ancient work of art. Colorful flowers and intricate vines, faded by time, decorated the border. A small drawing depicted a witch bent over a cauldron. The text below the picture was in some fancy, foreign script.
    “What’s it say?” he asked.
    “It’s a spell to summon a lover.”
    Quinn rubbed his hand over his jaw as he considered and rejected several ribald remarks.
    She turned another few pages, each as beautiful and ornate as the one before.
    He was thinking they were wasting their time when she turned one more page, and even though he couldn’t read the words, the pen and ink drawing in the center of the page spoke volumes.
    Seleena looked up at him, then back at the drawing, which depicted a man tattooed with a dragon similar to Quinn’s, save that the dragon was yellow instead of black.
    “What does it say?”
    “As we suspected, your dragon is a receptacle for black magic. There is no way to remove it, no way to undo it except by killing the host. However, it indicates that the magic can be transferred to the host, but it doesn’t say how.”
    “So we’re back to square one.”
    “Not exactly. At least we know it’s possible for you to unleash the dragon’s power.”
    “That’s something, I guess. Is there anything in there about a vampire becoming mortal again?”
    “I don’t know. I’ll look for that, too.”
    He watched her for several minutes, then started to pace the floor in front of the hearth. What if she found a way to make him human again? Did he really want that? He kind of liked his new strength and powers. And then there was the tattoo. What if she discovered the secret to controlling whatever magic the dragon held? If he could combine the power of the dragon and his vampire strength, maybe he would be able to defeat Serepta.
    Quinn grunted softly. Power or not, he wanted the dragon gone before Serepta got hold of him again.
    He glanced at Seleena. How was it possible she had given birth to such a cruel, vindictive woman? No doubt about it, he thought, the daughter must surely take after her father.
    And he didn’t trust either one.

Chapter 10
    It was near midnight when Seleena closed the grimoire. “I’m going to bed.” Rising, she stretched her arms over her head. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
    Quinn nodded. “Do you really think you’ll find the answer we’re looking for in that book?” She had gone through half of it in the last couple of hours with no real results.
    “I hope so. Good night.”
    He watched her glide out of the room. And then, unable to resist, he called, “Sweet dreams.”
    Her answer was the slamming of her bedroom door.
    Grinning, he left the house.
    The village lay quiet under a cloudy sky, the silence broken only by the serenade of crickets, tree frogs, and night birds. All the houses were dark, curtains drawn against the night.
    A large gray owl swooped down out of a nearby tree, talons extended as it descended on some luckless rodent.
    His mother had once told him a story about a boy who turned into an owl. He remembered little of the tale, except that when the boy’s journey as an owl was over, he discovered he would rather be a little boy.
    His mother…she had been young and beautiful with silky black hair and bright blue eyes before life on the streets took its toll.
    She had died too young, Quinn thought. As a child, he had vowed to avenge her death, but time and Jagg and Serepta had got in the way. But there was nothing to stop him now.
    Power surged within him as thoughts of vengeance filled his mind. He ran his tongue over his

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