Quinn's Lady

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Book: Quinn's Lady by Amanda Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Ashley
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he said as he followed her into the living room. “I searched every inch of that castle, from the dungeon to the turrets. If she was there, she is well-hidden.”
    Indicating Nardik should have a seat, Seleena lowered herself into the rocker. Freyja curled up on the floor at her feet. “What do we do now?”
    “I believe we only have two options. We can send Quinn to the castle to wait for her. Or we can wait for her to come to him.”
    “You want to use him as bait?”
    “They are going to meet eventually. It is only a matter of where and when.”
    Seleena didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know Quinn stood in the doorway. The very air in the room felt charged with his presence.
    He strode across the floor and stood in front of the fireplace, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes like flint. “Maybe the two of you ought to consult me before making any plans that include pitting me against Serepta.”
    “We were merely discussing possibilities,” Nardik said curtly.
    “Uh-huh. And what do you think the possibilities are of me surviving such an encounter?”
    Nardik lifted one shoulder and let it fall. “I have no idea. I do not know how powerful either one of you are. I know she was once a witch to be reckoned with, but I have no knowledge as to what her abilities as a vampire might be. Just as I have no idea of yours.”
    “That makes two of us. I didn’t want to be a vampire and my lack of enthusiasm made her angry. She trapped me in that damn statue a couple of days later. I never had a chance to explore what being a vampire really means. I’m just now learning what powers are mine.”
    “That is unfortunate,” Nardik said, his voice totally lacking any hint of concern, “as she has been a vampire for several decades.”
    Quinn’s brows rose. “That long. Then I guess the power’s on her side.”
    “Perhaps not,” Seleena said. “If you could learn to wield the magic in that tattoo…”
    “Wield it how?”
    She shrugged. “I don’t really know. I’ve never seen anything like it.” She paused, her expression thoughtful. “I have an old grimoire that my mother left me. Maybe there’s something in there that could enlighten us.”
    “It’s worth a try, I guess,” Quinn remarked.
    “I shall leave you to it,” Nardik said, rising. “I must return to Brynn Castle to advise the queen on a matter of state business. Let me know if you discover anything.”
    Nodding, Seleena stood and walked him to the door. “I’m glad you didn’t find her,” she said. “I know you think she is past redemption, and maybe she is, but I still have hope that we can save her.”
    “It springs eternal, they say.” He touched her cheek lightly. “Good day.”
    Seleena closed the door, then stood with her back pressed against it. Not long ago, her life had been quiet, peaceful. She had tended her garden, helped the villagers, taken long walks. Grieved for her daughter.
    Now there was a man in her living room who tied her emotions in knots, who, by merely looking at her, made her whole body ache with longing. And Serepta was alive. Or as alive as a vampire could be.
    Sighing, she pushed away from the door and went to face the man who had turned her life upside down.
    When she returned to the living room, she found Quinn standing with his back to the fireplace, hands shoved into his pants pockets. For a moment, they simply stood there, facing each other, while the air between them crackled with sexual tension.
    Finally, clearing her throat, Seleena said, “I’ll just go look for that grimoire.”
    Quinn nodded, though magic -- at least book magic -- was the last thing on his mind.
    Her scent filled his nostrils and teased his hunger as she hurried passed him on the way to her room.
    A good twenty minutes ticked by before she returned, a large book cradled in her arms. When she put it down, the coffee table groaned beneath its weight. Dust motes drifted up from the cover.
    Sitting on

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