college life, he’d realized that he was in love with her. Austin had actually thought he would ask her to marry him, though they would have had to wait four years until he got his business degree. But that hadn’t mattered.
He’d gone to LaGuardia that day hoping that Katia was the kind of girl who would wait.
As he’d driven back to the school that evening, he’d had to hold his hand over his stomach. He’d felt gutted. And it had been Katia, the one person in the world he’d trusted, who’d struck the blow.
Now she was here in his home, rubbing shoulders with the council members. He didn’t know how she’d sneaked in without him noticing. Being the snake she was, she had probably learned how to slither, undetected, in and out of places, situations...and hearts.
It hadn’t been until his presentation was over that he had seen her. He’d recognized her instantly, of course, but he could barely believe she was here, in his house.
“Why are you here, Katia?” Austin growled at his bedroom walls. He snapped off his iPad and went to the window to stare out onto Maple Avenue.
His guests were leaving. One by one, all the cars and SUVs pulled away from the curb and drove off. He had no idea what they thought about the museum because he had not joined them for the buffet or spent time asking questions.
The bottom line was that Austin was certain that even if there was a dissenting voice, he would turn them around in time.
Focusing on the museum helped clear his mind a little. Over the past four years, he’d worked with the city and county planning commissions to obtain permits and allowances for the museum. Thanks to their guidance, he’d learned very quickly he could not build within the city limits. There would be too many problems with the parking and the placement of the entrance and exits.
Austin had been looking for years for a few acres to buy for his intended museum. He’d come across the ten acres of old cornfield by sheer luck while reading the announcements of sheriff’s sales in the newspaper. As it turned out, he was the only bidder on the property. It was too small to attract interest from local farmers or even the corporate farms that were buying up a great deal of the Midwest. This little patch of land had screamed out to Austin that it was meant to belong to him. It was exactly the size he needed, and the location was perfect. Austin hadn’t been able to write out the check fast enough.
Austin heard the front door close, then he heard Daisy’s voice shout up the stairs. “They’re gone now.”
Austin peered down at the sidewalk and saw Katia walking with Mrs. Beabots, Liz Crenshaw and Maddie Strong. He couldn’t be sure, but if he wasn’t mistaken, he also saw Cate Sullivan, the best Realtor in Indian Lake County, shake Katia’s hand before walking off.
Real estate? Why would Katia be talking to a Realtor?
Austin watched as the other women hugged each other, waved and went their separate ways. Katia stood with Mrs. Beabots for a moment, waving to Liz, who drove away in her old truck, and then the two women continued along Maple Avenue.
Where are you going, Katia?
He opened the window and stuck his head out so he could get a better view through the autumn trees. Katia was having a lively conversation with Mrs. Beabots, as if they were long-lost friends.
What the...
Austin spun away from the window and raced out of his room and down the enormous staircase, past a gaping Daisy who was carrying a stack of dirty dishes to the kitchen. He whisked open the front door and rushed to the sidewalk.
They were easily six blocks away, but if Austin’s eyes were not deceiving him, Katia and Mrs. Beabots had just crossed Maple Avenue and were headed to Mrs. Beabots’s house. Scratching his head, he slowly pivoted and started back toward his home.
“She’s thinkin’ of movin’ in with the old lady,” Daisy said from the doorway. “Of course, if you’d had just an ounce of curiosity
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