Quick, Amanda

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Book: Quick, Amanda by With This Ring Read Free Book Online
Authors: With This Ring
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about which one of ye I'll choose either."
    The turbaned lady uttered a high-pitched shriek that made the horses flinch. "Harold, it's a highwayman."
    "I can see that, my dear." Harold leaned out the window. "See here, my wife and I have very little jewelry
    on us. I've got a watch and she has a bauble or two, but that's all."
    "I'll have a look for meself." The highwayman gestured impatiently with the pistol. "Get out of the coach.
    Both of ye."
    Leo used his knees to signal Apollo. The stallion walked out of the foliage and onto the edge of the road.
    "The evening's entertainment has come to an end," Leo said.
    "What the bloody 'ell?" The highwayman spun around in the saddle. Above the edge of the mask his eyes
    widened in shock. "What d'ye think yer doin'? This is my carriage. Go find yer own. Take yerself off
    afore I blow a hole in yer belly." "Harold, there's another one. We are lost."
    Leo ignored the woman. He trained his pistol on the highwayman. "I have come to tell you that this is not
    a healthy district for thieves. If you are not gone by dawn, you will hang."
    The man laughed harshly. "I suppose you're the wolf in human form they warned me about at the inn.
    Well, I've got news for ye-I don't believe in werewolves and the like."
    "That's your problem, my friend. Drop the pistol."
    "I don't think I'll oblige you tonight, master wolf."
    The highwayman's self-confidence sent a flash of warning through Leo. Something was not right. This had
    to be the same highwayman who had taken to his heels when he was faced with Beatrice and her pistol.
    It was too much to believe that there were two villains plaguing the district at the same time.
    Either Beatrice with a pistol was a good deal more intimidating than he was with his own weapon, Leo
    thought, or else the highwayman had a reason for his newfound boldness.
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    Leo heard the crackle of a broken twig behind him a fraction of a second too late. Another horse and
    rider emerged from the trees. Moonlight glinted on the barrel of a pistol.
    The rider aimed and fired without hesitation.
    Leo threw himself to the side in the saddle, but the bullet caught him on the shoulder.
    For an instant all was chaos. The impact sent a shudder through Leo's arm. He dropped his pistol.
    Apollo danced nervously and tossed his head. Leo fought to keep his seat. The woman's scream echoed
    through the woods.
    Freezing fire gripped Leo's left shoulder. It could have been much worse, he thought. If he had not shifted
    in the saddle, the bullet would have taken him in the neck. Every hobby had some drawback.
    The first villain roared with laughter. "As ye can see, master wolf-man, I do not hunt alone tonight."
    The savage snarl of a great beast shattered the night into a thousand shards of moonlit glass.
    Everyone froze.
    Leo smiled faintly. "As it happens, neither do I. "
    The paralyzing effect of Elf's battle cry wore off an instant later. With the exception of Apollo, the horses
    went wild. They exploded into rearing, plunging confusion.
    The coachman seized the opportunity to give his team their heads. The terrified creatures leaped forward,
    jolting the carriage into motion. The woman shrieked again. "Harold. "
    Both highwaymen were too busy trying to control their mounts to pay any attention to the coach as it
    sped off around the bend.
    "What in the name of all that's holy was that?" the first villain shouted.
    "It's that wolf the woman at the inn talked about," the second yelled.
    "There is no bloody wolf. It's a damned fairy tale, I tell ye."
    Leo whistled once. Elf sprang from the undergrowth. He leaped toward the first highwayman, lips drawn
    back, fangs gleaming.
    "Shoot him," the first man cried. "Kill him, for God's sake."
    Leo managed to wrest his spare pistol out of the pocket inside his cloak. He aimed and fired in a single
    The bullet caught the second highwayman in the thigh just as he

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