Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

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Book: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Chilson
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value that I place on the bands. If it comes down to it, they’re next. I try not to get too attached.
    Fate’s teeth chatter so loud ly that I can barely negotiate. She’s scared shitless. What does she think he’s going to do, knife her? We’re just normal people. Violence isn’t just a poor kind of thing. There are just more poor to bring up the statistics.
    “I could have given you the money. Why didn’t you ask?” Fate asks me as we walk from the pharmacy.
    She has calmed some now that her ordeal is over. I would love to explain why I had to do this, but she would never understand.
    One thing that makes me the angriest is knowing that my father was gipped on his watch. Those pieces of shit gave him a piece of shit for his service.
    “I don’t want to be indebted to anyone el se, least of all a friend. You’re my friend and I appreciate the offer, but I cannot accept.” I can’t even believe that I refuse her offer. She wastes more money in a week on makeup and hair products than I got for a diamond ring and a watch. Taking from Roman was bad enough, but he’s one of us. He understands real pride. Borrowing money from Fate, that isn’t even hers, just feels wrong somehow. I’m not going to do it.
    Chapter Eight
    “Fate, didn’t your driver show up?” I ask as I answer the knock on the door. She only left five minutes ago.
    I swing the door open and Grant is standing on the other side. He looks uncomfortable. His eyes look around me into my apartment and widen in surprise.
    “Yeah, welcome to how the other half lives. What are you doing here, Grant?” My voice shows how annoyed I am by his presence.
    I move to the side and allow him ent rance. No sense denying him, he’d just barge in anyway. I hold a small amount of control if I invite him in versus him just doing as he pleases. He looks around my squalor as I shut and bolt the three locks on the flimsy, paper-thin door.
    “You weren’t at work, so I came to visit. I need you to hear me out, Regina,” he softly demands.
    He looks desperate and maybe a bit crazed. His blond hair is standing on end as if he has repeatedly run his fingers through it in frustration. His watery-blue eyes are as dark as storm clouds. His face is taut and even his tie is askew.
    “Why should I, Grant?” I walk away from him, not far obviously since the room is tiny.
    I start wiping up the counters. There isn’t much to clean. The past few months I’ve pawned just about everything. If we had something nice I pawned it and bought a replacement at thrift shops. It’s pitiful, but I think I was letting go of everything that held a memory of my mother. I’ve been grieving the loss of my parents for two years straight.
    “Take a look around at my reality, Grant. I sleep on a couch in a cockroach infested hovel. Go peek into the bedroom and introduce yourself to my decaying mother. And then ask yourself why you’re bothering me. Why you’re infatuated with someone like me. You have a huge mansion and a rich family. Go home to your wife and thank God that you had the fortune to be born to your parents and not mine. That is the only difference between us, Grant- luck. Anyone of us could be in a different position depending on who we’re born to. Only difference is I will rise above this and you have nowhere to rise. I think you should be more appreciative of your station in life.” I glare him down begging him to disagree with me.
    I rush over to the bedroom door and crack it open in invitation. I thought for sure he would leave like his sister would have, but he slowly walks to the door and enters.
    “Mrs. Regal, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I hear no pity in his voice and his eyes don’t flinch as he looks at her. I feel pride for him , and as much as I don’t want to like him, I do in this moment.
    “Call me Ella. Who are you, Sir?” She clears her throat several times and I hurry over to

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