Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

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Book: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Chilson
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ministrations as you are.”
    “You could always say no, Grant. You have the ability.” I look at him and the expression of terror on his face tells me that he will never disobey his father even if it ’s to the detriment of his happiness.
    “Answer me this, Grant- Why me? It can’t be because of the fact that you want me in your bed. I won’t sleep with you no matter how badly I may want to. I can be honest about that. I want you and I know you want me. But I won’t give in to anyone, even myself.”
    He stares at me and slowly wraps his arm around my shoulders. He freezes like that for a moment waiting for me to protest. When I don’t, he pulls me closer, trying to comfort me. His warmth infuses my body and my eyelids flutter shut. My breathing evens out and all I can smell is Grant. I have no words t o describe the scent, other than, simply Grant.
    “That is why, Regina. The Whittenhowers were n’t always affluent. You’re smart, motivated, and determined. It reminds my father of his parents. It was their determination that made Whittenhower a name. He wants that in his grandchildren.
    He really does see me and Whitt as a weakness. I know I’m weak. I make no excuses for it. Adelaide has been interrogated for the past week about you. She held out for a few days and that made Father proud, but he broke her down. You will never break.” His voice is filled with pride- pride for me, pride I haven’t earned nor deserve.
    The news that while Ade was ignoring me this past week, our last week of schooling, she was systematically being broken down by her father, broken down for information about me. It feels like a knife wound to the heart. I was angry at her while she was trying to protect me.
    I turn my head and bury it in Grant’s neck trying to stem the sob building in my chest.
    “Why not just stand up to him and make him proud then?” I whisper against his throat. His arms form a cage around me- protective and reassuring. He shudders and sighs.
“I can’t.” He palms his face and shakes his head. “I just can’t, Regina. Please say yes. I don’t want to see what he will do to get you to comply.” His desperation and shame is evident in his tone of voice.
    “I can’t, Grant. Just as you won’t stand up to your father, I won’t bow down to him either.” I stand and walk to the door and unlatch all the deadbolts. The clicks signal that our conversation and truce are over.
    I can’t sit and be held by someone who won’t stand up for themselves or at least find someone who will. I can’t be Grant’s strength, not when he’s allowing his father to target me for something he wants for Grant. I just can’t do it no matter how nice it feels at the moment. I know that it will haunt me as I try to sleep. I feel torn, but at least I will sleep knowing I did the right thing.
    He walks to me and I can see the fear carved across his face. He kisses my cheek in goodbye. It tingles as strongly as it did when Roman did it earlier and I hate it. What the fuck is wrong with me? Neither guy is a good idea for a million little reasons and several massive ones.
    “We’ll both regret your refusal, Regina. At least consider it. I’ll leave you alone until after graduation. You’ll be hearing from me,” he threatens as he disappears smoothly down the stairs.
    His words echo inside my head replaying the ominous threat on repeat.  The gravity of my situation finally sinks in. I try every day to win, to be the best at everything I do, and to never relent. I’ve met my match and h is name is Daniel Whittenhower Sr. He may make me do things I will regret, but I will take from him what he holds most dear; even if it takes my entire life.
    Chapter Nine
    “I did it, Ma.” I sit on the edge of her bed and proudly wave the leather case holding my diploma in the air.
    “I’m officially a high school graduate. This diploma will give me access to the top universities. Have to

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