Protecting Rose

Read Online Protecting Rose by Cheryl Yeko - Free Book Online

Book: Protecting Rose by Cheryl Yeko Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Yeko
Tags: Romance, Ebook
studying the menu.
    What to order? Everything was so new to her. It was scary and frustrating, and yet at the same time exciting. It was like experiencing everything for the first time. She learned she liked clothes with bright bold colors and patterns, sensible shoes, and sexy underwear. At least she thought she liked sexy underwear. She smiled when she remembered how Nate had waited uncomfortably just inside the lingerie section while she made her purchases.
    Rose still wasn’t sure if it was her tastes, or the thought of Nate, that inspired her to make such bold choices. A particularly skimpy black lace bra and matching thong popped in her mind. She groaned aloud and felt the now familiar heat of a blush work its way up her neck and to her face. She lowered her lashes and hoped Nate wouldn’t notice. Yeah, right. Fat chance of that.
    “Rose, are you all right?” he asked predictably.
    With a sigh, she met his gaze. “Yes, of course. I’m fine. I’m just not sure what to order.” She had no intention of telling him the real reason she was blushing.
    Nate watched her intently, as if he wasn’t quite buying it. “You be sure and let me know if something bothers you, or if you remember anything else.”
    “I will,” she promised.
    She pretended to study the menu as though it was the most important document she’d ever seen. Her mind finally focused enough for her to comprehend the words. Nothing sounded familiar so she just chose the sautéed chicken breast sandwich and an ice water. Couldn’t go wrong with that.
    Nate ordered the house-made meatballs with melted mozzarella and marinara sauce with a Coke. His eyes gleamed with laughter and he patted his stomach. “I need the sustenance to get me through all this shopping,” he teased.
    “Would you like to place your dessert order as well, sir,” the waiter asked.
    “We’ll both have the Tiramisu for dessert,” he told the waiter.
    Tiramisu? The name sounded exotic, but unfamiliar to her. “What’s Tiramisu?” Rose wasn’t sure if she was insulted or not that Nate ordered for her.
    Nate winked at her. “It’s a little piece of heaven, Rose, just a little piece of heaven.”
    She smiled. All right, so she would let him get away with it this one time.
    They relaxed and enjoyed the music of the street performer set up just outside the patio's dining area. A haunting melody floated over the air from the ornate flute she played.
    “So, tell me something about yourself, Nate.”
    “What do you want to know?”
    She pondered the question. Because she knew so little about herself, she had a desire to know something about him. She smiled. Besides the fact that he made a mean omelet and had gorgeous blue eyes. The memories she was building of the day were important to her, and he was a large part of those memories.
    “I don’t know...anything. Where do you live? Your family, if you have one. Any brothers...sisters...”
    Her heart dropped as a possibility entered her mind...wife. She peeked at his hand. No ring. But that might not mean anything? Stupid...stupid, she admonished herself. Why had the thought never crossed her mind that Nate might be married? Heat once again flooded her face.
    “Rose?” Nate watched her with furrowed brows.
    The thought that he might be married caused her heart to race and her stomach to churn painfully. Ugg! She really was a mess. Here she was having a total meltdown in public over a man she had no business thinking about in that way.
    She groaned and lifted her hands to cover her face.
    “Hey there.” Nate grasped her hands and pulled them gently away. “What’s up, sweetheart? Why are you upset?”
    Her heart raced. She couldn’t tell him the real reason she was freaking out now, could she. “I’m fine. Just thinking about family,” she lied. “I wondered if mine was even searching for me.” Which wasn’t exactly a lie.
    Nate leaned forward and touched her cheek lightly with the back of his hand.

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