Protecting Rose

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Book: Protecting Rose by Cheryl Yeko Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Yeko
Tags: Romance, Ebook
to meet her gaze. “Steal a car,” he admitted.
    “Did you?” Rose was having a hard time connecting this honorable man with a car thief.
    “Well, I intended to. At least that’s what I told myself at the time. We were supposed to meet one evening and head over to Rockford, but Tom caught wind of the plan and confronted me. We had a huge fight, which only made me more determined to go through with it. And I would have.” Nate gave her a crooked smile. “If Tom hadn’t handcuffed me to my bedroom door all night.”
    Rose gasped. “You’re kidding.”
    “Nope. I sat on the floor all night and leaned up against the wall. One arm cuffed to the door.”
    “Wow. Were you mad?”
    “You bet I was mad...madder ‘n hell. Especially when my mom sided with Tom,” he said wryly. “Then the next day I found out that they had not just stolen a car, but carjacked one.” His face hardened. “They killed the driver in the process, something that I couldn’t live with.”
    He met her gaze. “I went to Tom. He stood by me when I turned state’s evidence and they all went to prison. For a while, there were threats made against me by the remaining gang members.” He chuckled softly. “It was then that I finally understood the benefits of being part of a big family. My stepbrothers made it clear if anyone messed with me, they messed with them as well. Even though I’d acted like a total ass, they still stood behind me. We’ve pretty much been inseparable ever since.”
    He paused, his eyes flashed. “And if it weren’t for Tom...well, I probably would have gone to prison. Or have a criminal record. I would never have been able to join the Marines or the police force. Not only did he save me from a life of crime, he most likely saved my life.”
    A tear rolled down her cheek at the bittersweet story.
    Nate reached out and cupped her cheek with his free hand. He gently wiped the tear away with his thumb and gave her a slow easy smile. “You really are a romantic, Rose.”
    The butterflies in her belly took flight as he continued to watch her with warm blue eyes.
    The waiter stopped at their table with the tiramisu. She lifted a mouthful of the fluffy concoction to her mouth. Truly a most delectable dessert. And Nate was absolutely right. It was a little piece of heaven.
    Rose and Nate walked along Lake Michigan’s shoreline and admired the various ships docked there. The Navy Pier consisted of over fifty acres of parks, gardens, shops, and restaurants. It was a giant playground for all ages, with hundreds of unique shops located both indoors and out. Multiple movie theaters offered the latest in Hollywood blockbusters, and ships provided dinner cruises and music until the early morning hours. One very large Ferris wheel sat near the entrance.
    “The Ferris wheel was modeled after the one built for the 1893 World Exposition,” Nate explained. “We could take a ride later if you like.”
    Rose eyed the Ferris wheel, and her stomach dropped. She craned her neck as she studied it. “I didn’t realize it was so big. I’m not sure I like heights,” she said tentatively.
    Nate eyes crinkled with his smile. “We could wait until dark. Then you wouldn’t notice the height so much. But you’d get a bird’s eye view of the Chicago skyline and the boats on the lake.”
    “Maybe later, we’ll see.” She crossed her arms and regarded the tall structure with a frown.
    The sun shone brightly overhead, warming her as a cool breeze blew off the lake. Rose enjoyed wandering through the outdoor shops, listening to the music, and the different languages spoken around her.
    Nate reached into his pocket and pulled out the case that held his cinnamon mints. He offered her one before popping two into his mouth as they strolled along the lakefront. They made their way through the craft booths lining the sidewalk near the water’s edge. She was delighted when she found a shop that offered hair clips in unique colors and

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