Protecting Caroline (SEAL of Protection Book 1)

Read Online Protecting Caroline (SEAL of Protection Book 1) by Susan Stoker - Free Book Online

Book: Protecting Caroline (SEAL of Protection Book 1) by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
fallen into
a half-conscious state—awake, but barely aware of all that was going on around
    After the plane
was emptied of the other passengers, the police and FBI herded the little civilian
group in the back of the plane outside so the EMTs could look them over. Caroline
watched with detached interest the reactions of the other women and men to the
dead terrorists scattered around the plane. They were now covered in sheets,
but the blood was still clear on the floor as they walked past and over it.
    Caroline didn’t
think anyone was really hurt, but there was no way the police were going to let
anyone get off the plane without at least being looked over. There were too
many sue-happy people in the world today for them to let that happen.
    When it was
Caroline’s turn, the EMT wasn’t happy with her. “Look, I can see you’re
favoring your side, let me look at it.”
    Caroline tried
to wave him off. “No, really, it’s nothing. I just hit it when I fell on the
plane—it’s fine.”
    “I should at
least look at it,” he insisted.
    “Well…” Caroline
was about to give in when Brandy, one of the civilian women, piped up from next
to the young man.
    “Sir? I’m
feeling a bit dizzy…do you think I can sit down somewhere?”
    When Caroline
looked at her, she didn’t think she looked sick at all. The woman had her hand
wrapped around the EMT’s bicep and she was leaning into him, crushing her ample
boobs against him.
    “Uh, yeah, okay,
let me finish up here and I’ll be right with you. Please sit on that bumper
right there so you don’t fall and hurt yourself.”
    Caroline wanted
to roll her eyes. When the EMT turned back to her she could see he was already
thinking about Brandy. She put him out of his misery.
    “Look, just give
me some alcohol wipes or something. I’m not hurt that badly and you can go and
see what Brandy needs.”
    It was
ridiculous at how quickly the man agreed with her and pulled out some
antiseptic wipes. Caroline thought meanly that it was a good thing she wasn’t
hurt more badly, she’d probably be lying on the ground bleeding to death and
the men around her would still probably ignore her.
    After each of
the conscious passengers were looked at, the police reassured that no one had
any life threatening injuries, and they’d all signed paperwork refusing
transportation to the hospital, the group was herded onto a little bus.
    As the shuttle
bus headed toward the airport, away from the tarmac, Caroline was a little
depressed. Matthew, Mozart, and the other SEAL had left in a separate bus to
who-knew-where. She watched closely as the SEALs walked to their shuttle to see
if Matthew would acknowledge her in any way, and of course he didn’t. He and
his teammates had their heads together as they walked away without looking back
at the plane. She shouldn’t have been surprised. It happened to her every day.
    It was just the eight
passengers left, plus herself. Caroline followed the other passengers onto the
shuttle. They were driven toward the terminal and hustled in through a side
door into a room in the airport. The federal agents wanted to hear their side
of the story.
    Two hours later
Caroline was ready to scream. She wanted to get away from here. She just wanted
to be in Norfolk and have all this behind her. They’d been questioned as a
group, then separately. The other passengers had no clue what had happened.
They’d told the authorities they were sitting in their seats one minute and the
next, men with knives had herded them to the back of the plane and while they
heard yelling and such, they hadn’t seen anything. No one knew what had made
the other passengers pass out.
    Caroline just nodded
along with whatever the others said. No one paid too much attention to her. She
was used to it though and, in fact, had counted on it now. She explained the
blood on herself away by saying she’d slipped and fallen in the blood of one of
the terrorists. She didn’t want to say

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