Property Of

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Book: Property Of by CP Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: CP Smith
Tags: General Fiction
minute you figure out this case isn’t connected to yours, are you gonna hightail it out of here?”
    Parker grinned at Vaughn because he knew the man already had ideas of running him out of town. “My priority is the Harvest Killer, so yeah, Vaughn, I’ll get out of your hair when I’m done. Though, we’ll assist in an advisory capacity once we’ve determined the cases aren’t connected. Until then, the investigation is ours.”
    Reaching across his desk, Dallas grabbed the Shallow Grave file and shoved it into Parker’s hands.
    “Have at it, hotshot,” Dallas grumbled as he headed for his lieutenant’s office.
    “Hey, Vaughn,” Parker called out as he watched the detective leave. When Dallas turned around, his jaw ticking as he tried reigning in his temper, Parker replied, “You’ve got something on your shirt.”
    Dallas didn’t knock on his lieutenant’s door: he barged in unannounced and found the man on his phone. Cross looked up and narrowed his eyes at Dallas before he bit out, “I’ll have to call you back, baby. Apparently, Vaughn has a death wish.”
    Dallas crossed his arms over his chest and waited for Cross to hang up. As soon as he ended the call, Dallas thundered, “You brought in the fuckin Feds?”
    “I don’t answer to you; you’d be wise to remember that, Vaughn,” Cross barked out. “The captain and I want this bastard caught. We sent what we had two months ago and they showed up unannounced this morning, spouting off this was now their case, and that it’s tied to the fuckin’ Harvest Killer.”
    “How the hell do they figure it ties into their case? Agent Parker’s explanation reeks of manipulation of the facts.”
    “Captain Daley said hand it over, Vaughn, so I handed it over. That’s how it works. If our government says it ties in, then it fuckin’ ties in,” Cross growled.
    “Bullshit,” Dallas snapped back. “Captain Daley hates government interference more than you do.”
    “That may be, but he isn’t balking this time, so play nice with the feds, Vaughn, or look for another job,” Cross advised.
    “Right,” Dallas seethed and then turned on his heels and headed for the exit. He might back off since his hands were tied, but he’d keep a close eye on Parker. Something wasn’t jiving with their bullshit explanation and Dallas hated unanswered questions.
    Dark Prince opened his browser and read the last email Taryn Rivers had sent him for the third time. She was perfect. Long legs that could wrap around his hips as he pounded into her, lush, full breasts he could clamp to bring her more pleasure, more pain. An ass that could handle any strap or crop he owned. But his favorite part was her hair. It was the perfect shade of blonde. Not so light that is was like snow, but it had glimmering shades of gold throughout that made it perfect. Staring at her picture, he felt his cock lengthen when he thought about putting Taryn in a cage, about strapping her to a St. Andrews cross as he broke her in. His blood heated to a boiling point as he thought about his hands wrapped around her neck, squeezing until she lost consciousness. It was time to find her and bring her home.
    He opened the detailed information on her email and copied the IP address, dropping it into a program he designed. He’d written this program specifically for his own needs so he could find his slaves easily without waiting for them to correspond. He liked to watch them from afar while he messaged with them, to make sure they fit his needs. However, he didn’t need to watch Taryn to know he’d finally found the perfect slave. She’d responded to his orders quicker than any slave had before. She’d wanted to please him, didn’t question his commands, just answered him quickly, seemingly truthful, and had no hesitation taking a picture for him.
    When his program finished searching and came back with a business address instead of a residence, he frowned. He’d given specific instructions

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