Private Dicks

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Book: Private Dicks by Katie Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Allen
have let Wash go into that V.I.P. section alone. Fuck.
    “To me—nothing. Well,” Wash corrected himself, “grabbed my
ass a lot and kept feeding me drinks that I poured into the mini-fountain when
his back was turned. Major waste of good vodka, but this is not a guy I
trust to bring me drinks.” He shuddered. “Ness is a slimy one—and I’m not just
talking about his hair.”
    “Tell me,” Rhodes ordered.
    “I…um,” Wash glanced over, his face uncertain, “sort of
implied you liked little boys.”
    Rhodes choked. “You said what ?”
    “Just to see what his reaction would be,” Wash explained
quickly, making patting motions in the air as if trying to soothe Rhodes. “He
was asking about you.”
    “If he’s so fascinated, he should’ve invited me into
V.I.P.,” Rhodes grumbled. “He looked a hell of a lot more interested in you.”
    “Well yeah.” A hint of Wash’s usual grin was returning. “Who
wouldn’t be?”
    Rhodes lifted a fist to pop his partner on the shoulder but
reconsidered and lowered his hand.
    Wash sighed. “Seriously, Rhodie, I didn’t mean what I said
before. When we were dancing and…messing around, it was fun, you know? And,
well…pretty hot too. But after hanging out with Ness for a couple hours, I just
feel so dirty. All I wanted to do was get out of there and take a shower, see
if I could get my skin to stop crawling, and I see you flirting with the
cute bouncer…”
    After regarding Wash’s profile for a few seconds, Rhodes
commented, “Yeah, he is cute, isn’t he?”
    “Fucker.” Wash reached over to punch Rhodes’ shoulder and
laughed. “I’m cuter.”
    “Eh.” Holding a hand up and twisting it from side to side in
a “so-so” gesture, Rhodes bit back a smile as Wash punched his arm again.
“Okay, fine, you’re cuter. Now what’d Ness say?”
    “He noticed you were pretty protective,” Wash explained, “so
he assumed you were my boyfriend. I told him that we hooked up once in a while
but that you were really into younger guys, as in much younger guys.”
    Rhodes winced. “Nice.”
    With a shrug, Wash apologized. “Sorry. It was all I could
think of on short notice. He got all interested at that—his eyes lit up and he
started asking questions. When he asked what you did, I said ‘business’ and
then started wiggling around like I was nervous, so of course he asked what
kind, and I was babbly enough and vague enough that he’s pretty sure you’re a
drug kingpin or a smuggler or some kind of badass.”
    “That’ll work,” Rhodes told him, nodding thoughtfully.
    “That’s what I thought. Ness wants to talk to you.” Wash
pulled into a parking space on the street across from Rhodes’ building. “I’m so
fucking tired—can I just crash here?”
    “Of course,” Rhodes said easily as he slid out of his seat,
although his heart beat faster. They crossed the street to the main entrance in
silence. Rhodes let them both in and they climbed the stairs to his apartment.
    “I know we have nothing on him,” Wash said as he flopped
onto the couch, “but I just know Ness did something to those kids. He’s
mixed up in this somehow.”
    “Okay. So this is good. We have a suspect—or at least a
person of interest. Tomorrow we’ll dig up everything we can on Ness, see if
Gomez has anything else she can contribute and then I’ll set up the meet.”
Rhodes moved into the open kitchen. “You want a drink?”
    “Christ, yeah,” Wash breathed, leaning his head against the
sofa back. “I’ve been dying for something all night. I just knew if it came from
that slimy fuckhead, it’d be roofied.”
    “One non-roofied whiskey, coming right up.” As he poured the
drinks, Rhodes tossed over his shoulder, “So why do you think Ness wants to
meet with me? Is he going to sell me a kid or buy you from me?”
    Snorting a laugh, Wash retorted, “I’m thinking he wants me
for free. Cheap bastard. My money’s on him selling you a kid.

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