Private Dicks

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Book: Private Dicks by Katie Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Allen
Probably a
fourteen-year-old Latino boy named Miguel.”
    “Jesus,” Rhodes muttered, walking over to the couch. He
nudged Wash, who opened one eye and accepted the drink. “How does that work?
These are teenagers, not babies. How’s he keeping these kids quiet and
    Wash shrugged. “Drugs? Threats? Shame? Soundproofed rooms
and locked doors? The banker found with Mia was from Ohio—he was probably going
to bring her back there before he decided to shoot her instead.”
    “Yeah, what was that all about?” wondered Rhodes, taking a
drink, enjoying the burn as the alcohol tracked down his throat.
    Wash shrugged, closing his eyes. “Who knows what went on in
that sick fuck’s mind? There’s got to be a lot of guilt involved in messing up
a kid that badly.”
    Glancing at the man next to him, Rhodes finished off his
drink and pushed to his feet. “C’mon, you’re almost asleep. You can crash here
but I have to warn you, this is the most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever tried to
sleep on.”
    Opening one eye, Wash asked, “So what’s choice number two?”
    Although he tried to keep his face expressionless, Rhodes
felt heat creep up his neck and into his cheeks. “My bed’s a king, if you don’t
mind sharing.”
    Wash’s other eye opened. “Does ‘sharing’ a bed mean we’re
having sex?”
    “You can, if you want,” Rhodes tossed over his shoulder as
he headed to the bathroom. “Just don’t wake me up.”
    Wash’s startled bark of laughter followed him down the hall.
    This had been a bad idea. Despite his exhaustion and the
drinks at the bar and the final whiskey of the night, Rhodes lay wide awake,
his cock as hard as a rock. He didn’t have any pajamas—normally he slept
naked—so he had left his boxer briefs on before crawling into bed.
    He lay on his side, hugging the edge, not wanting to
accidentally touch Wash but, at the same time, wanting to touch him so badly he
ached with it. Wash was sprawled on his back wearing only his underwear, taking
up his entire half of the bed as well as part of Rhodes’.
    Rhodes snorted quietly. He was beginning to feel like a
Victorian virgin, clutching the edge of the mattress as if it were his virtue.
Rolling carefully onto his back and then to his right side, facing Wash, Rhodes
stretched out his legs and tried to ignore his throbbing erection.
    “Can I tell you something?” Wash asked.
    Rhodes jumped. He’d thought the other man was asleep.
“Sure,” he croaked, flushing in the darkness at the rough sound of his own
    “I’m…um, I’m not exactly…” Wash trailed off.
    After a long silence, Rhodes prodded, “What?”
    “I’m not exactly straight,” he said, the words leaving his
mouth in a rush.
    “ What ?!” Rhodes’ body contracted as Wash’s words sank
in and he sat up, staring down at the dim outline of Wash’s body. Twisting
around, he jerked the chain on the bedside lamp, flooding the room with light.
    “Ow!” Wash covered his eyes. “Fuck, man!”
    “Quit whining and talk,” Rhodes snarled, not in the mood for
offering any sympathy. “Tell me why the fuck you put me through all that
the other night, making me think you were disgusted, that you hated me, when
you’re fucking gay too!”
    Sitting up, Wash stared at him in horror. “I was never
disgusted. I told you that it bothered me that you kept it secret, that’s
all. Thought you didn’t trust me. I got it when you said you’d never come out
    “So why didn’t you say anything then? Maybe something like,
‘Hey Rhodie, so you’re gay. What a coincidence—I am too!’ Do you know how many
fucking nights I’ve lain in bed, wide awake, thinking about—” Rhodes clamped
his lips shut before he spilled too much.
    “I don’t think I’m totally gay,” Wash hurried to explain,
shifting on the mattress as he stared down at the comforter. “More bi, I guess.
I mean, I’ve had girlfriends. I’m attracted to women but sometimes…men

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