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Book: Princess by Aishling Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aishling Morgan
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Thus she was shamed in public, spanked naked, her breasts tattooed with a distinctive pattern, then she was smeared in dung. She was also to be put to the troll’s cock, but Aeisla felt it was an unwarranted act and intervened in rage.’
    â€˜If this was the case here,’ Meles laughed, ‘we would have half the female population of the town up for punishment every morning!’
    The others laughed, then lifted their mugs as one and took draughts of beer. The man in the leather apron returned, to place a mug in front of Iriel, also a plate, heaped with chunks of delicious smelling fresh bread, waxy green objects she took to be olives, a long sausage of a deep red colour and two triangular pastries. As she began to eat, Luides appeared in the archway, hailing his friends, then taking a place beside her on the bench, pushing Bages aside with a thrust of his corpulent backside. Immediately Dound whispered something in his ear.
    â€˜She does not take money,’ Luides laughed. ‘If you want her, merely fuck her on the floor, but be cautious, she will fight until her cunt is pricked. She is strong. Either that or you must use cunning.’
    Iriel looked up, the blood rushing to her cheeks, stung by the sudden prospect of ravishment and hoping they would at least give her time to let her tuppenny juice up before putting her to their cocks. Quickly she swallowed her mouthful.
    â€˜Wait at the least until I have eaten,’ she said quickly, ‘and yes, I will fight unless there is good reason to surrender, but perhaps not so very hard.’
    Meles made a curious clucking noise in his throat. Nuidan lifted his eyebrows and twisted his fingers into what was evidently an obscene gesture. Luides spoke.
    â€˜Do not be concerned, Iriel. Here the watch would intervene in moments. Still, perhaps after…’
    â€˜What do we care for the watch?’ Meles laughed. ‘I’ll bet we could have her fucked and pregnant before old Taepenk so much as noticed!’
    â€˜Besides,’ Nuidan added, flourishing the knife he had been using to cut pieces from a sausage, ‘we are armed, and five. Four could hold the watchmen off while each took his turn!’
    The others laughed. Iriel raised her eyes from her plate, suddenly interested.
    â€˜You would fight the watch… the men who go armed about the streets, knife against sword, for the pleasure of having me?’
    â€˜He is boasting, ignore him,’ Luides advised.
    â€˜Not so!’ Nuidan declared, making another flourish. ‘I would fight the watch for a fuck of you, Iriel, right here on the flags of Taepenk’s!’
    Her tongue flicked out to moisten suddenly dry lips.
    â€˜Truly? Here and now?’
    â€˜Yes,’ Nuidan declared. ‘I swear it.’
    â€˜Liar!’ Luides scoffed.
    â€˜Not so! I have done it before.’
    â€˜Just last month, while you were on ship. Did we not, boys? At the caravanserai, when Assanach’s train came in with a group of Makean slavegirls. We fucked them two by two, a copper a go, in the camel shed, and as Dound and Meles here were finishing their rides, who should turn up but Twelveman Cound himself. I held him back with a dung shovel while they finished the fucking!’
    â€˜That is so much camel shit!’ Luides protested.
    â€˜No,’ Nuidan insisted. ‘We did it, ask Assanach, ask Twelveman Cound himself if you dare!’
    Luides gave a grunt and shook his head.
    â€˜He did this?’ Iriel asked Dound.
    â€˜I saw it myself,’ Dound assured her.
    â€˜How about it then?’ Nuidan asked.
    â€˜I… I am not certain I am worthy,’ Iriel replied. ‘Tell me more as I eat.’
    Nuidan went on, explaining what had happened and making flamboyant gestures to illustrate how he had fought. The others gave further details, each to his own credit, Luides adding only the occasional sceptical grunt as he dealt with

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