Primary Colors

Read Online Primary Colors by Kathryn Shay - Free Book Online

Book: Primary Colors by Kathryn Shay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Shay
    “No, I called,but she’s busy.”
    A pause. “Want some company for lunch?”
    “I don’t want to impose.”
    “I thought you weren’t going to ring that bell anymore.”
    “I’m not. I’d love to have lunch with you. But my treat.”
    “Be over there ASAP.”
    She disconnected and felt her pulse beat faster. Was this a date? Did she want to date Rafe Castle?
    You don’t want Lizzie to date him.
    Because Idon’t want to ruin it for Sal.
    Yeah, sure.
    Oh, great, now she was talking to herself
    After the call, Rafe jumped into the shower. He was shocked that Nia had called him. Sure, he’d been trying to make some headway with her. And they
gotten closer the night he had dinner with her family, even the afternoon he’d helped her weed the garden. But he’d initiated allof that. He’d also had vivid dreams about her off and on all week. Some were hot. Briefly, he wondered what kind of lover she’d be. Shy and tender, he bet. She’d need a lot of encouragement. Before he had to turn the shower to cold, he got out and dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved navy T-shirt and an open-weaved, off-white sweater. The outfit was new and he’d been waiting for a special occasionto wear it.
    He reached Bailey’s Pub, now an icon in the Village, and noted the long lines. Huh. What to do?
    A man approached him. “Rafe Castle?”
    “I’m Patrick O’Neil. Nia’s inside and asked me to keep an eye out for you. Let’s head around back.”
    “Being in a famous family is a boon to business, huh?”
    “Yeah, we’re lucky still, even after all these years.”
    “Gladfor you.”
    They walked down the side of the old building to a fenced-in backyard. Patrick opened a gate. From behind, Rafe noticed he was tall and fit, with a relaxed gait. “We sold half the business, so Sweeney and Sons profit, too. We told him he could change the name, but he doesn’t want to mess with success.”
    They entered the pub by way of a big kitchen and found two people in a clinch.Patrick quipped, “Geez, guys, get a room.”
    Lazily, the man glanced over. Disentangling himself from his wife, he crossed the room. “Hi, there. I’m Liam.” He motioned to the woman. “And this is my wife, Captain Sophie Tyler.”
    “Captain?” Pat asked
    “Uh-huh. She just came over to tell us.”
    “Congrats, Sof.” Patrick hugged her. And then introduced Rafe. “He’s meeting Nia here.”
    “Yeah, I saw her. She looks great.” He winked at Rafe. “We
the Ludzecky family.”
    Sophie snorted. “They love all those beautiful blondes.”
    Me, too,
Rafe thought.
    The scent of stew and baking bread followed him and Pat out to the pub proper. Rafe spotted Nia perusing a menu at a table in the front by the window. Hmm. Her hair was down. Pat said, “There she is.”
    “Thanks.” Rafewended his way through occupied tables to the one he sought. “Nia, hello.”
    Though he’d seen her like this before, he still caught his breath. Her unbound hair cloaked her, spilling down her chest, past her rib cage. Her eyes were sparkling brighter than the sun coming in through the window. For him? “Rafe. Hi.”
    He took a seat. “I’m so glad you called.”
    “I was in town with my sisterSofia for a doctor’s appointment.”
    “Which one is she?”
    “Third oldest.”
    “Is she sick?”
    “Not now.” Nia shook her head. “She had leukemia as a teenager. She still gets scanned periodically. She’s fine. She’s been fine for years, but my stomach clenches every time she goes. One of us always accompanies her.”
    Reaching out, Rafe settled his hand over hers. “You’ve had so much todeal with in your life, Nia.”
    She shrugged
    A woman came over to the table. “Hello, lass.”
    Nia stood immediately, and they hugged. “How wonderful to see you, Mary Kate.”
    “How is your mother? I haven’t seen her in a couple of months. Is she well?”
    “Yes, we’re all better now.”
    The woman turned her

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