
Read Online PowerofLearning by Viola Grace - Free Book Online

Book: PowerofLearning by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Romance, Science Fiction
frowned and crawled into bed, covering him from neck to knee with her own body. She dropped onto him with a thud and tucked her head under his chin while his arms wrapped around her.
    “My brother and sister’s wedding. I never thought they would invite me to the ceremony.”
    “Despite their confusion, your family loves you. They want you there on the happiest day of their lives.”
    She snorted. “It is hardly the happiest. They will have to break the connection with their twin before joining with their new mate. The new joining does not always work smoothly.”
    “Not like ours?”
    Yavil chuckled. “No, not like ours at all. They are far more repressed when the moment comes for the two to become one. They greet it with fear and distrust. Because of the sibling link, they never have to trust anyone else. Giving yourself up to a stranger, no matter how well you like them, is always a frightening proposition, and they will have to fight that fear.”
    “You didn’t have any fear. Your mind clamped onto mine like it was starving.” He feathered a kiss against her temple.
    “I am aware of that. It was horribly embarrassing at the time, but as I got used to you, I actually enjoyed it.” She kissed his neck.
    “So, what do we wear?”
    “As little as possible, though if they are having off-worlders, we will be allowed something.” She snorted. “Perhaps a headpiece for me.”
    “Nothing for me?”
    She rose up on her forearms and smiled into his amused gaze. “I think I like you just like this. A piece of my jungles come to life.”
    He stroked his hands down her back. “And I like you just like this, a sliver of moonlight turned into warm woman.”
    After confirming their link in the most delightful way possible, Yavil curled to sleep in Hosh’s arms. A wedding on Tebr was always an occasion, and if Ardu and Yellan wanted her to visit for the event, she was finally able to be there for them, because Hosh was there for her.
    The wedding clothing that they had picked out for her was surprising. There was an elaborate headdress, a short white jewelled breast band, minute briefs and coverings that went from elbow to wrist and knee to ankle. “Why am I dressed like the primary?”
    Yavil swished her long tail of hair around and smiled at Hosh’s jewelled hip wrap and matching wrist cuffs.
    Yellan looked at her and bit her lip. “We want you to give us away.”
    Ardu was fiddling with his deep purple wrap, and he nodded in agreement. “You know how to manage these things, and mother and father are clueless.”
    Hosh asked, “What is the primary?”
    Yavil grimaced, “The primary makes the key speech before instructing the couples on releasing their sibling link and joining with their new partner.”
    Hosh chuckled. “You seem to be precisely equipped for that particular task. Will you lecture them on it?”
    She winked. “I may unleash the power of learning on them.”
    Ardu was worried. “So, you will do it?”
    She sighed. “Of course I will do it.”
    The chronometer chimed the hour. Ardu and Yellan stood close to one another and walked together out of the Rikhana house, down the pathways and to the great hall with Hosh and Yavil bringing up the rear.
    The great hall was packed with dignitaries and Tebr family representatives.
    Yavil practiced her breathing as she stepped in front of her siblings.
    Hosh slipped up the aisle and took the open spot next to her parents.
    With him tucked away, she took the lead, and drums swelled as her siblings followed her to the table where their mates waited.
    The Rikhana family was higher ranking than the Honnials, so the Honnials waited while the Rikhana came to them. Ardu and Yellan took their seats at the table across from their prospective spouses and the official began the requests for objection and the other formalities.
    When the paperwork had been filed, all was ready.
    “And now, the primary, Yavil Rikhana.” The official stepped aside and gave her free

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