Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind
we can do about them. God has given us the power to resist the devil by choosing to think on things that are godly and good. It gives me tremendous hope when I realize that I can be assured of a better life by thinking good thoughts. That is exciting!
    God will show us what to do to “clean up” our thinking, but He will not do it for us. He gives us His Word to teach us, and His Spirit to help us, but only we can make the decision to do what we should do.
    You can learn to think properly and powerfully if you want to; it will take time but it is an investment that pays great dividends.

    The Bible is a record of God’s thoughts, ways, and deeds. As we agree with it, we are agreeing with God!

    Think about It
    Have you taken personal responsibility for your thoughts and attitudes? If not, write down that today is the day that you begin to take responsibility for how you think, jot down the date, and sign it as if you are making a contract with God.



    On-Purpose Thinking
    I t’s amazing how quickly and completely our thoughts can change our moods. Negative thinking of any kind quickly steals my joy and causes a variety of bad moods. When we are negative and gloomy, other people don’t enjoy being with us, and when our thoughts are down, everything else goes down with them. Our moods, countenance, conversation, and even our body can begin to droop in a downward position. Hands hang down, shoulders slump, and we tend to look down instead of up. People who tend to be negative in their thoughts and conversation are usually unhappy and rarely content with anything for very long. Even if something exciting does happen, they soon find something wrong with it. As soon as they see one thing wrong, they tend to fix their minds on it; any enjoyment they might have is blocked by concentrating on the negative. They may occasionally experience momentary enthusiasm but it quickly evaporates and gloom once again fills their entire demeanor. They probably do not realize they could be happy if they would simply change the way they think. We must stop merely waiting for something good to happen and take action to ensure that something good will happen.

    I am truly amazed when I consider the fact that we have the ability to make ourselves happy or sad by what we choose to think. The Bible says we must be satisfied with the consequences of our words, whether they are good or evil (see Proverbs 18:20). It also tells us “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it” (Proverbs 18:21). Our words begin with our thoughts, so the same principle that applies to our mouths also applies to our minds. We need to be satisfied with the consequences of our thoughts because they hold the power of life and death. I would add that they hold the power of contentment and discontent, of joy and sadness.
    The longer I live, the more I’m amazed by the fact that my mind so profoundly affects my moods. I still need to fight the battle in my mind and I doubt anyone reaches the point of being entirely “battle-free.” Of course, I have learned to discipline my mind more quickly than I once did, but there are still times when my mind comes under attack.
    God has given us the fruit of self-control (see Galatians 5:22, 23), which means we do not have to allow our thoughts to be out of control, but we can be intentional in our thinking. We can control what we think, and we can choose our thoughts. God has given us the ability to make choices about so many things in life, including our thoughts, and we must be responsible to make those choices carefully. In the realm of the mind, exercising self-control and making wise choices is called “on-purpose thinking.”

    Think about It
    What are the most obvious ways your thoughts affect your moods? Can you think of a person or situation you tend to be negative about?
    Great Thinking, Great Life

    One of the most life-changing revelations

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