Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind
control” as if it were something evil and even demonic. But, the truth is that God does tell us to control our minds and not to do so is inviting every form of misery into our lives.
    Although it is sad, I had to realize that Satan would even use my family and closest friends to try to prevent me from making progress. They loved me but just did not understand and, sadly, we usually find fault with what we don’t understand. I had to know for sure that God was leading me, and I had to be firm in my resolve to think right thoughts so I could see right results in my life. My friends were accustomed to doing the same thing I had always done, which was to think according to what we saw and felt. It seemed strange to them that we could believe and think according to what could be instead of what was.
    The reason setting your mind and keeping it set is so important is that there’s really not much hope of being able to resist temptation if you don’t make up your mind ahead of time concerning what you will do when you are tempted. The Bible states that because Abraham was “fully assured” concerning the promise of God, he did not waver or doubtingly question (see Romans 4:20, 21). In other words, he had set his mind and was able to keep it set during temptation. You will be tempted; that’s just a fact of life. So, you need to think ahead of time about the situations that can pose problems for you. If you wait until you are in the midst of a situation to decide whether or not you will stand firm, then you are sure to give up.
    When we go on a diet, we must apply this principle of “setting your mind and keeping it set,” in order to be successful. You can easily commit to a diet after dinner on Sunday evening, but the real test comes on Monday afternoon when you start to feel really hungry. People who have set their minds will stick with their decisions, realizing that they have to make it through the hungry times in order to eventually get the result they desire. This same principle must be applied to every area in which we need to make a change. It can be applied to exercise, getting out of debt, cleaning out the garage, or any number of other things.

    Make up your mind ahead of time that you are going to go all the way through with God. Some people spend their entire life starting and quitting. They never follow through. They may set their mind but when temptation comes, when things get difficult, they don’t keep it set. I strongly encourage you to be one of the ones who finishes what you start by keeping your mind set in the right direction all the way through to victory.
But we do [strongly and earnestly] desire for each of you to show the same diligence and sincerity [all the way through] in realizing and enjoying the full assurance and development of [your] hope until the end.
(Hebrews 6:11)
    Whatever challenges you the most, decide now that you are going to set your mind for total victory. Talking to yourself ahead of time is one of the ways to set your mind. Some examples of what you might say to yourself as you set your mind in areas that commonly cause temptation include:
• “I am not going to think bad thoughts about other people and I am not going to gossip. I will not gossip. When someone around me begins to talk to me about someone else critically, I will not let myself get involved in it. I am not going to participate in ruining someone’s reputation. I will not offend the Holy Spirit.”
• “I am not going to overeat when I sit down for meals today. I will stop when I begin to feel full. I will make good food choices and I will not eat emotionally.”
• “I am not going to be excessive in any area of life. I am a balanced person. I am not going to complain about anything. I have a lot to be thankful for and I will think on those things.”
• “I am going to live to please God, not people. I want to be accepted but I will not compromise my faith and moral integrity.”
• “I am going to

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