Post-American Presidency

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Book: Post-American Presidency by Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller
we are raising our people up from nothing.” Three months after that he embroidered on this, saying that “Hitler was great, but wickedly great,” and that he had made a deal with Zionist Jews that allowed them to “take the land away from the Palestinian people.” Judaism, said Farrakhan, was a “gutter religion.” Israel was the product of the Jews’ “old naked scheming, plotting and planning against the lives of a people there in Palestine,” and the ultimate result of all that scheming would be that America, as Israel’s ally, would be “drawn into the heat of the third world war, which is called Armageddon.” 8
    Farrakhan has also referred to “satanic Jews,” and has railed against “these false Jews” who “promote the filth of Hollywood.” He has repeatedly denounced “the wicked Jews,” echoing mainstream Islamic theology by asserting that the “Koran says that the Jews have altered the word of God out of its place. They did not want the masters of the people to know what Jesus really said, what Moses really said, because then you wouldn’t have a yardstick to measure their deviations.” 9
    Of course, Farrakhan has disclaimed anti-Semitism: “You say I hate Jews. I don’t hate the Jewish people, I never have. But there [are] some things I don’t like. ‘What is it you don’t like, Farrakhan?’ I don’t like the way you leech on us. See a leech is somebody that sucks your blood, takes from you and don’t give you a damn thing. See, I don’tlike that kind of arrangement.” He has called Jews “the greatest controllers of Black minds, Black intelligence,” and has warned them that “Allah will punish you. You are wicked deceivers of the American people. You have sucked their blood. You are not real Jews, those of you that are not real Jews. You are the synagogue of Satan, and you have wrapped your tentacles around the U.S. government, and you are deceiving and sending this nation to hell. But I warn you in the name of Allah, you would be wise to leave me alone. But if you choose to crucify me, know that Allah will crucify you.”
    “As I said over 20 years ago,” Farrakhan said in 2008, “there will be no peace for Israel, because there can be no peace as long as that peace is based on lying, stealing, murder, and using God’s name to shield a wicked, unjust practice that is not in harmony with the Will of God.” 10
    Wright copublished a book defending Farrakhan’s Million Man March,
When Black Men Stand Up for God: Reflections on the Million Man March.
In it, Wright continues to defend Farrakhan, saying that “The enemy is not white people, but white supremacy. The enemy isn’t Farrakhan. The enemy is still white supremacy.” 11
    Wright’s association with Farrakhan is long-standing. In April 2008, when he appeared at the National Press Club in order to address the controversy that had engulfed the Obama campaign because of his incendiary anti-American remarks from the pulpit, his security detail was made of members of the Nation of Islam. 12 He and Farrakhan even once traveled to Libya to confer with Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi—as Wright recalled during the 2008 campaign: “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli to visit [Gaddafi] with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.” 13
    Surprisingly, it didn’t, but Wright had good reason to suspect that it might. Wright’s anti-Semitism matches Farrakhan’s, as is clear from his “War on Iraq IQ Test,” which purported to answer the question,“Do you know enough to justify going to war with Iraq?” It was clear from Wright’s questions and answers that he believed that the Iraq venture was all about protecting Israel—and that Wright’s slant was all about demonizing Israel:
    41. Q: How many UN resolutions did Israel violate by 1992?

A: Over 65

42. Q: How many UN resolutions on Israel did America veto between 1972 and 1990?

A: 30+


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