Portrait in Crime

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Book: Portrait in Crime by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
having a good time?” she asked them. “What do you think of the new works?”
    The three men complimented the new paintings, and then the third man repeated his comment about Scott’s unfinished work.
    Cynthia bristled. “Christopher Scott is far from retired,” she assured them: “And as for his unfinished work, I can assure you he’s finishing everything now.”
    The first man stepped in smoothly and suggested something to eat, and the group moved away. Nancy thought back to her trip to Scott’s studio. She hadn’t seen a single painting, finished or unfinished, in the whole place! Scott’s work had simply disappeared—the Vanity and all the unfinished paintings he was so famous for.
    Sasha and Gary came over to join the girls.
    â€œYou abandoned me,” Gary said, slipping hisarm fondly around George. “But I forgive you. Can I get you a soda?”
    Nancy turned to Sasha and yawned.
    â€œHow can you be bored with me?” he protested, grinning. “I haven’t even said anything!”
    Nancy laughed. “It’s not you at all,” she said. “I guess it’s been a long day.”
    â€œWell, a walk in the fresh air should wake you up,” Sasha suggested.
    â€œGeorge?” Nancy said, turning back to her friend. She thought it might be wise to invite her to come along. But to her surprise, George and Gary had slipped away and were nowhere to be seen. Bess was across the room with Tommy, talking with a young painter outfitted in black from head to toe.
    â€œWhy not?” Nancy agreed, since she couldn’t think of any good excuse. Besides, a walk on the beach sounded terrific. She and Sasha hopped into her car and headed for the ocean.
    When they got out of the car, Nancy gathered her full cotton skirt in one hand and slipped off her shoes. She picked her way over the sand, her feet sinking luxuriously into it with each step.
    Nancy reached the waterline and sat down, picking up handfuls of white sand and pouring them back out in little piles. The wind carried the tangy smell of salt and fish across the beach.
    Nancy leaned back on her hands and dug her toes in the sand. “You’re right,” she said, “I feel much better now.”
    She looked around her. The setting was romantic. The moon was high in a clear, dark sky. The waves crashed on the sand, slipping up the shore almost to where Nancy and Sasha were sitting.
    â€œThis is perfect,” she said, smiling up at Sasha. He put his arm around her in response.
    This time Nancy didn’t pull away. She sat there, wrapped securely in his embrace, listening to the waves.
    At last Nancy took a deep breath. She had to make a decision, she thought for the millionth time, and it might as well be now.
    â€œI don’t know what to say, Sasha,” she began, afraid to meet his eyes. “I’m all confused. I don’t know how I feel about you, or how I feel about Ned. I hope you don’t hate me.”
    â€œHate you?” Sasha asked.
    â€œDon’t stop me, I need to say this,” Nancy continued, keeping her eyes on the ocean. “Ned and I, we don’t have any vows, but we trust each other. We have a very good, long-standing relationship, and I feel disloyal to him when I’m with you.”
    â€œSo why are you with me?” he asked quietly.
    Nancy hugged her legs. Why was she? she asked herself. Finally, she turned to face him.
    â€œBecause I have fun with you. I’m happy being with you,” she said, feeling vulnerable. “And I don’t know what it means or what to do about it.”
    Sasha laughed and squeezed her affectionately. “Look at me, Nancy,” he said, tilting her chintoward him with his finger. “Relax. Don’t worry about this. You have time to make up your mind.”
    Nancy smiled gratefully. Sasha, suddenly shy, cast around for something else to talk about.

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