familiar face spun and looked directly at her, holding her gaze. She couldn’t help but feel like this image of herself was returning her stare. But who could she be looking at? These were Jason’s memories, not hers.
“Marcella, that’s enough.”
Opening her eyes, Dom’s face hovered in front of her. She quickly broke the suction of her mouth, jerking back. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
Licking the wounds closed, the pain that raced through her forearm caused her to scream out. Dominic held up a bloody butcher knife and smiled. “I know you weren’t. That’s why I thought I would help. Press the wound to his lips. He’s still alive, but barely conscious. He needs to drink as much of your blood as he can. But hurry, you’ll heal quickly.”
“Right.” She noticed how her boyfriend rocked in his sitting position. “Jason, honey.” His eyes lifted to her at the acknowledgement of his name. “Yes, that’s right, lay back and relax. I need you to drink as much of this as you can, okay?” Pressing her arm against his lips, his hand held onto it with surprising strength.
“That was the most amazing thing I think I’ve ever witnessed. I’m not much of a voyeur, but the way you move…it’s magical.”
Marcy shot a glance to the demon. “Do you ever say the right thing at the right time? Geez, Dom. Cut the music, what happens next?”
Jason’s eyes closed and his head rolled to the side. Panic started to set in. She hated seeing him like this.
“Now we wait for him to change. It takes a while, and it’ll be pretty hard on him, but that part isn’t for some time. Go take a shower, I’ll watch over him while he sleeps. He’s not going to be very happy when he wakes.”
Marcy quickly jumped up, not wanting to waste any time. “Clothes and shower?” The smile he flashed nearly took her breath away. She wasn’t sure she liked the way he affected her so strongly. It didn’t feel right with Jason being in the position he currently was in.
“Use mine. It’s through that door, right there,” he said pointing to an entrance off of the living room. “Clothes will be in there waiting for you.”
Running, she nearly tripped over her own feet when she passed the threshold. The size mirrored the main room. She had no problem finding the shower in the huge master bathroom. Frantic thoughts poured through her mind as she started the water. What would happen to Jason if he didn’t turn into a vampire? What if he died? She tried to block out the questions while she rinsed off, but no matter how hard she tried, they wouldn’t ease. They just intensified as new ones replaced the old.
* * * *
“What happened? Did he change?”
Marcella looked up at Gwendolyn. The blondes’ green eyes blazed anxiously in the firelight. She looked younger than before, like a child anxiously awaiting something she’d longed for and finally found out she was getting it.
“If I told you, it would ruin the story. Besides, what do you care for Jason? I thought your feelings were for Ambrose.”
“Ambrose is my master, and my lover. Although I don’t want him to die, I can’t say that I love him. He holds my loyalty, not my heart. Once, I thought we’d be together, but things change. We’ve grown apart over the centuries. But Jason, now he intrigues me. He’s noble and true, and nothing like the men who walk today’s streets. I think I want him.”
“Think again. Are you going to let me continue or not? How do you even know he took to the change? I’m a collector, not a vampire, or are you forgetting that major detail? My blood’s not like yours. It has the power to kill if I don’t use it right.”
“No.” Gwendolyn’s eyes grew in size. Tiny fingers covered her parted mouth. “Fate wouldn’t be so cruel. Please…”
Marcella took a breath and shifted in the chair. So much of the story was left be to told, parts she wasn’t looking forward to mentioning. Just thinking about the
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