Poison Pen Letters to Myself

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Book: Poison Pen Letters to Myself by Romany Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Romany Rivers
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    Romany is a compassionate, spiritual author, whose wisdom extends far, far beyond her years and touches the heart of all who have shed tears for the sorrows life brings, and laughed in hope of that better tomorrow or maybe the day after. This is a guide of immense power and love that we may all be more thoughtful and aware of what lies behind seemingly random or unfair events that in fact are our greatest teachers.
    Cassandra Eason , Author of
The Magick of Faeries
The New Crystal Bible
    Romany’s poetry is personal and provocative. It is at times both brutal and beautiful, and this book takes the reader on a winding emotional journey. Despite the private and personal nature of much of her work, these poems do not exclude the reader – instead her style of writing allows you in, lets you walk within her words and interpret them in ways which are relevant to your own life.
    Arietta Bryant , Author of
Ramblings & Rhymes
Circles of Sacred Laughter
    This anthology of poetry reads like a fragmented autobiography, stitched back together by a skilled hand to create a story of life, love and faith. Standalone poems speak simple truths; the collective speaks a wider story of becoming. Well written, these words tell a tale, give a lesson & speak to their reader through the simple words and the more complex intonation of phrase. A journey is had, through the poet’s eyes; for the reader, the writer and the players involved; it reads like a novelised, journalised roadmap of the human experience. Even for the non-poet, thisanthology is well worth a read – one can speed through it; half reading, half experiencing; or savour each poem alone. Either way, it is written with such fervour, time seems to stand still while the words leave their mark.
    C.M. Mitchell , Author of the upcoming
Oakwood Collection
of novels
    A self-effacing, insightful and wonderfully authentic document of a poet discovering her voice. Anyone who has ever taken a good look at themselves will find something here that speaks to them – there is honesty, catharsis and ultimately beauty on almost every page.
    Laurie Goulding , Editor of
Mark of Calth
Gotrek & Felix: Lost Tales
    Poison Pen Letters
is a consuming and compelling collection of raw expression. Within its pages we are drawn into a world of uncomfortable truths about both ourselves and the society we live in; the author addresses a number of topics which as individuals, we often choose to avoid. It was not difficult to find myself identifying with the text, which depicts the journey of an individual who has struggled through some of life’s most difficult challenges and has found herself enlivened and empowered by her beliefs and the relationships made along the way.
    There are also some further hidden meanings within the text – which will be evident to those who follow the same spiritual path – and wonderful motivational poems near the end of the manuscript, which give credence to the undeniable power of belief.
    Vikki Bramshaw , Author of
Craft of the Wise
Dionysos: Exciter to Frenzy

First published by Moon Books, 2014
Moon Books is an imprint of John Hunt Publishing Ltd., Laurel House, Station Approach,
Alresford, Hants, SO24 9JH, UK
[email protected]
    For distributor details and how to order please visit the ‘Ordering’ section on our website.
    Text copyright: Romany Rivers 2013
    ISBN: 978 1 78279 520 9
    All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publishers.
    The rights of Romany Rivers as author have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
    A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
    Design: Lee Nash
    Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY

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