Playing With Fire (Power of Four Book 2)

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Book: Playing With Fire (Power of Four Book 2) by SF Mazhar Read Free Book Online
Authors: SF Mazhar
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holders and kill them. If they got rid of the legacies, the mages would grow weak by themselves and die.”
    Icy fear crept down Aaron’s back, making him shudder.
    “But it’s impossible for the Lycans to know the identity of the legacy holders,” Neriah explained. “So they target all of the Elementals.” He took a moment to continue. “Mages, they mostly ignore, but Elementals, they hunt down and kill.”
    Something clicked in Aaron’s mind and his heart dropped like a stone.
    “The City of Marwa,” he started in a hollow voice. “The City of the Elementals .” He held Neriah’s pained and saddened gaze. “That attack, the one that killed my brother and uncle, that was by the Lycans. That’s why they attacked Marwa, because they knew the Elementals lived there.”
    Neriah didn’t say anything but his grief-stricken expression was enough to answer Aaron.
    They went straight for the kids.
    His dad’s words rang in his head.
    “That’s why they attacked the children,” Aaron said. “They were targeting the legacy holders.”
    “A legacy transfers from the parent to the child once the child’s core awakens at the age of thirteen,” Neriah said. “Lycans didn’t want to wait for that to happen. They killed the Elemental young so the legacies wouldn’t have anywhere to go and would die when the parents did.”
    Aaron closed his eyes and dropped his head, slowly shaking it. Everything was making sense. That’s why the Lycans had targeted his brother, because Ben would have been the legacy holder for Earth.
    “Isn’t there anything we can do?” Aaron asked. “A way to safeguard the legacy holders?” It didn’t register with him right away that he was talking about himself.
    “Of course there is,” Neriah said. “Train them. Make them untouchable.”
    Kyran forced his way into Aaron’s mind at the word untouchable . The memory of his easy confidence, his graceful but lethal fighting, the way he taunted the demons but never allowed them to get close – yeah, Kyran was pretty untouchable. Which made sense now, as he happened to be the legacy holder for Fire.
    Once Aaron managed to force all thoughts of Kyran away, he realised what it was Neriah had said, and what that meant for him. “That’s why you’re here,” he said. “You want me to train?”
    “I want you to learn to defend yourself,” Neriah explained. “You’re the legacy holder for Earth.” His eyes stayed locked on his. “You are the only one that can use the Blade of Adams and help us in this war.”
    Aaron didn’t say anything. He honestly didn’t know what to say. He found he didn’t need to figure out a response, because his dad was suddenly standing in the middle of the room, blocking Aaron.
    “No,” he growled. “He’s not fighting.”
    “That’s not your choice to make,” Neriah replied at once.
    Chris had both hands clenched. “You’re asking a fourteen year old to risk his life–”
    “No, I’m asking him to learn how to safeguard it,” Neriah corrected, rising to his feet. “I don’t want Aaron to fight this war, not until he’s ready.” His eyes flickered to Aaron before snapping back to Chris. “But there’s no time to waste, and you and I both know what he could do with the right Blade in his hand.”
    Chris bristled, like he had been burnt. “No.” He forced the word out from behind clenched teeth.
    Aaron thought he could feel the ground tremble under him, or maybe it was just his heart that was beating so hard it was making him shake.
    “Chris.” Neriah’s tone was one of warning.
    “You can forget it!” Chris bit out. “I’m not losing any more of my family.”
    Neriah looked stunned. His eyes widened before narrowing. “Your family?” he asked. “ Your family, Chris?” He stepped closer, his eyes darkened with anger. “What about the rest of us? Have we not lost family? Have we not suffered?” His expression was fierce, fury filling every inch of his being. “Have I not

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