
Read Online PlaybyPlay by Nadia Aidan - Free Book Online

Book: PlaybyPlay by Nadia Aidan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadia Aidan
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    Katherine was just pulling into her reserved spot when her
cell phone rang. She didn’t even glance at it. She didn’t need to. When it
stopped and rang again, she knew with a certainty who it was. Seth. Ignoring
her blaring cell, she got out of her car and walked toward her private elevator
then rode up the forty-eight floors to her office. Within minutes, she’d
grabbed the files she needed off her desk and was heading back down to the
    Katherine stepped off the elevator and walked toward her
car. Her heels clicked noisily against the pavement as she rummaged through her
purse for her keys.
    She probably never would have even noticed the figure
hovering beneath her car had it not been for the small thump followed by a
muffled curse causing Katherine to glance up from her purse.
    She stopped and frowned at the skulking shadow. “What th—
    Dressed in all black, the intruder’s face was partially
obscured by the brim of a dark hat so she couldn’t see the face, but Katherine
would have recognized those tacky red talons anywhere.
    “Get back here,” Katherine yelled when the intruder turned
to run. She cursed as she dropped her files with her purse and kicked off her
heels to sprint after the culprit, her toned athletic frame eating up the
distance between them until she was close enough to launch herself and drag the
intruder to the ground.
    She struggled furiously with the trespasser, fighting to pin
the flailing body down. Just when she finally managed to plant her weight atop
the intruder’s chest, Seth’s car barreled into the garage, coming to a
screeching halt beside her at the same time Joshua burst through the stairwell
door, gun in hand, with his security team behind him.
    Katherine barely noticed any of them as she scowled down at
the figure still struggling beneath her. With a flick of the wrist, she flipped
off the cap covering the face of the trespasser, revealing long brown
    Katherine glared at the woman pinned under her. She’d
recognized her the moment she’d seen those red nails. “What the hell are you
doing here?”
    The woman struggled against Katherine’s weight, her face
twisted in fury. “Get off me!” she shot back, but Katherine just glowered at
her as she clamped her thighs harder around the bucking woman’s body.
    “Not until you tell me what you did to my car.”
    “You know her?”
    Katherine looked up at Seth with a quick nod before
returning her attention to the once-blonde-now-brunette figure beneath her.
    “She’s my ex-husband’s wife.” Katherine glared at her. “What
are you doing here, Shannon?” As she stared at the woman, everything began to
click into place. This entire bizarre fiasco was so like Shannon with her need
for drama, and it all made since now— mostly . The crimson polish used to
write the notes—Shannon’s favorite color. Shannon knew where she lived, where
she worked, she knew everything about her—after all, they’d once been friends.
That was, until Shannon had slept with Katherine’s husband.
    “It was you who sent me those notes, wasn’t it?” When
Shannon nodded, Katherine just shook her head in confusion. “Why?”
    “I just wanted to scare you,” Shannon said in a rush.
“Thought maybe it would get you to leave Ricky alone.”
    “Ricky?” Katherine frowned. “I haven’t seen that asshole in
two years.” Not since the divorce. Besides, why would scaring her somehow get
her to leave Ricky alone, which was exactly what Katherine asked.
    “Ricky’s been cheating on me. I thought it was with you.
Found all these pictures of you, mementos from your marriage that he keeps
locked in his office. He’s obsessed with you. I think he’s even still in love
with you. I waited at your place last night and sure thing—he drove past your
    Katherine’s eyes narrowed. “So it was you who set off the
alarm,” she deduced.
    “Hey, boss,” Joshua interrupted, drawing Katherine’s

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