Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance

Read Online Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance by Abbi Hemp - Free Book Online

Book: Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance by Abbi Hemp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Hemp
Tags: Bad Boy Sports Romance
    “Hey,” she said, taking them down and standing up. “You’re home early.”
    “Yeah, I need to get some homework done before tonight.”
    “Oh? An extra work shift?”
    “No,” I said simply, still upset with her.
    “You want to hang out before I go to work?”
    “I told you I need to do homework now.”
    She frowned, her shoulders slumping.
    “Okay. I understand.”
    “Do you?” I asked, not ready for one of her self-pity parties. “If you applied yourself a little more, you might actually find life enjoyable.”
    “You don’t know what it’s like to be me,” she snapped, defensively crossing her arms over her flat chest.
    “No, and I’m glad I don’t.”
    As I walked away, I instantly felt bad for saying the words, but she had to learn. My life, for whatever reason, was heading in a good direction. I didn’t want Tabby or anyone holding me down. Thoughts of James hit me as I entered my bedroom and shut the door.
    I turned the lock then dumped my backpack on the floor. Besides , I told myself to alleviate my guilt, I do have homework if I’m going to be up half the night with James . A smile slid on my face at the thought of his name as I sat down at my desk and opened the books I needed to study.
    Human Anatomy 101. I giggled to myself. Everything reminded me of sex. After two years of working hard and not having a social life at all, it felt nice to relax and work on my future family. Slow down. You’ve just met him. Things are early. Be safe and have fun .
    Thanks to studying hard in high school, I had become the first member of my family to go to college. Instead of going to a local university in Indiana like Purdue, I decided to travel to New York. Two years later, I missed my family and past less and less.
    I pushed all other thoughts aside and hit the books, studying hard for midterms which were quickly approaching. Every ten or fifteen minutes, I glanced over at the door to my bedroom, trying to hear if Tabby had left yet or not.
    She eventually left about ten minutes before her shift started. I rushed through the apartment, cleaning up and striving to make it seem more cool than it was in reality. Most of the time, I spent in my bedroom, strategically placing candles.
    One more night of fun then back to work .


    By the time he knocked on the front door, I had the candles going, smooth elevator jazz playing softly in the background and fresh linen on the bed.
    Wearing only a see-through black nightie, I opened the door and smiled at him. He grinned and walked forward, putting his arm around me.
    As we kissed, he kicked the door shut. He smelled of shampoo and soap, so squeaky clean. Had practice run late? I didn’t care as his tongue swirled against mine.
    I pulled back and looked at him with a serious expression on my face.
    “Are you sure your testicles are up for this tonight?”
    He laughed.
    “You’ll have to check them for yourself.”
    “Ooh, sounds kinky.”
    I took his hand and led him to my bedroom.
    “Why do I feel like I’m in an elevator?” he asked.
    “Are you making fun of my music? It was this or Barry White.”
    “This is fine.” He kissed me. “I want to play you like an instrument and make music.”
    “There you go again, Mr. Romantic. I’m going to spill your secrets in a tell-all letter to the campus newspaper.”
    “That rag? No one would believe you.”
    I stood on my toes and kissed him again. He put his hands on my ass, pressing my body against his crotch. We kissed a moment before he pulled away.
    “Your outfit is nice.”
    “I don’t like yours. You should take it off.”
    “Why don’t you do it for me?”
    I stepped forward, my fingers undoing his pants as he bent to kiss my lips again. After they were unbuttoned and unzipped, I pulled them and his briefs down at the same time, revealing my prize. As he lifted one foot out of the loose fitting jeans then

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