Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Book: Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance by Abbi Hemp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Hemp
Tags: Bad Boy Sports Romance
the other, I grabbed his cock.
    It felt so warm and good in my hands, I forgot about his shirt. He pulled it up and over his head, suddenly standing completely naked in front of me.
    “There’s something I’ve been meaning to do,” he said seriously.
    “Oh, yeah?”
    He nodded then put his hand on the small of my back and led me over to the bed. I had no panties under the short nightie, so I left it on as I laid down on the bed.
    “No,” he said, shaking his head. “Get up.”
    I tilted my head to the side and stared at him. He laid down on his back. Before I figured out what he wanted, he took my hand and pulled me toward him.
    Does he want me to sixty-nine? I turned to straddle him.
    “No,” he said again, more firmly. “I want to taste you. I’ve not stopped thinking about it since you went down on me in the woods.”
    “You don’t need to do that,” I said, straddling his chest.
    “Come here. Bring it closer.”
    I scooted up his body, suddenly acutely aware of my body, and his too. With my thighs on the sides of his head, he reached up and grabbed my breasts through the sheer material. At the same time, his tongue licked from the bottom to the top of my pussy.
    “Oh, James,” I moaned, adjusting myself.
    He moved his hands to my ass, pulling my pussy closer to his face. That tongue! I was not aware it could be used so effectively.


    The next morning, I snuck out of bed before she woke. She had set her alarm, so she would get up eventually. My internal clock never let me down.
    As I stopped in the kitchen for a bottle of water and to write Haley a note to leave on the refrigerator for her, Tabby walked in wearing her nasty brown robe.
    “Hey, Tab,” I said, nodding my head at her as I closed the refrigerator door.
    “Stealing another water, are you?”
    She nodded at the water bottle in my hand.
    “I guess you could say that, but it’s not stealing.”
    “Yeah? You going to pay for that, are you?”
    I tilted my head back, watching her closely as she stepped forward. When she flung the robe open, showing me her naked body underneath, I almost dropped the bottle.
    “What the hell?”
    “Don’t you like it?”
    “You’re a lesbian, right? What the hell are you doing? I’m with Haley.”
    “I can swing for the other team occasionally,” she said in a sexy voice.
    “You’re fucking nuts.”
    I shook my head then walked around her and to the living room.
    “I’m going to tell your coach,” she said, following me. “You’re not supposed to be sleeping around, are you?”
    I stopped and turned to face her.
    “I can do whatever I damn well want,” I said. “You can’t stop me.”
    “We’ll see about that,” she said. “By the way, Haley isn’t really interested in you. She’s using you to get to Curtis.”
    “That’s bullshit,” I said, not believing her. “Put your fucking clothes on. You’re disgusting.”
    “Oh? Because I’m a lesbian you find me disgusting?”
    “No, it’s because you would do this to your roommate and so-called friend.”
    “Haley don’t care. She’s into Curtis.”
    “That’s what you say.”
    “It’s the truth. I’m just trying to help you.”
    Shaking my head, I turned and left out the front door. On the walk to my apartment, I thought about the night before. Would Haley sleep with me and Curtis? Did she have some weird fetish where she liked to sleep with multiple sports stars?
    I told myself I had no proof. Haley hadn’t done anything to make me suspect she wasn’t trustworthy. Still, Tabby had planted a small seed of doubt. It pissed me off, so I pushed it out of my mind, determined to forget about Haley for a few days.
    Football and classes were the only things that truly mattered. The rest was cake. She might come clean if I put some space between us. All around, my idea sounded reasonable and even helpful. I had nothing to worry about.
    When I reached

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