Pippa's Fantasy

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Book: Pippa's Fantasy by Donna Gallagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Gallagher
with a broad grin. “Yeah, you don’t look much like a pipsqueak any more… You look mighty fine actually, if you don’t mind me saying. And by the way, who is this gorgeous babe with you?” Riley added cheekily, and he took Cassie’s hand, bringing it to his mouth to give it a quick kiss.
    “Oh, my God, Riley, you have definitely changed.” Pippa chuckled. “This is my best friend, Cassandra Davies. Cassie, this is Riley—remember the little kid I used to talk to you about?”
    “Ouch, that hurt, Pipsqueak!” Riley turned his smile in Cassie’s direction as he spoke. “Nice to meet you, best friend Cassandra. And I would just like to point out that nothing is little about me anymore!”
    “Riley!” Mandy and Caitlin both chanted in unison, trying to curb any future risqué comments from the very forward young man.
    “I’m honoured to meet you, Riley. Pippa has spoken of you often. And yes, I can see that you are all grown up, big and strong.” Cassie seemed to be enjoying the conversation immensely.
    Riley was indeed all grown up—in fact, he was gorgeous. Pippa guessed him to be about a hundred and ninety centimetres tall. His swimming had helped produce a set of incredibly wide shoulders and a broad chest that tapered down to what appeared to be a flat stomach and slim waist. His legs seemed to go on forever, and while not as thick with muscle as a rugby player’s, they certainly looked fine in the tight-fitting jeans he was wearing. She couldn’t see his butt, but guessed it would be fine as well! But what really gave Riley his sex appeal were his eyes and that sinful curve of his mouth.
    Pippa could not believe she could even think such a thing. Riley was only eighteen, but he oozed sex appeal, possibly generated by his confidence, but also helped by those big, emerald-coloured eyes—they made Pippa melt, and it seemed to Pippa that they had the same effect on Cassie. To top it off, his lips just seemed to beg to be kissed—they were quite full, and the sort of lips a woman could really nibble on. Riley’s strong jaw was covered in just a hint of ginger stubble. He wore his hair cropped very close to his scalp and it made him look all the more masculine.
    Pippa was very impressed with how her friend had grown into such a hunk.
    “Well, Riley, I bet you’re just breaking hearts all over the place,” she said teasingly.
    “Of course he is, princess. I taught him everything he knows.”
    The sound of Rook’s voice caught Pippa off guard. She hadn’t seen Rook arrive or realised he had been watching her reunion. She now felt uncomfortable, wondering if he had noticed her appraisal of Riley’s grown-up look, watched as she’d ogled her old friend.
    “Rook, my man! How are you going, buddy?” Riley grabbed Rook in a big bear hug, obviously excited to see the man who had once been an idol to him.
    “But what’s with the princess tag? Don’t you remember Pipsqueak? Hey, the two of us almost stalked you back in the day.” He laughed good-naturedly, not realising the awkwardness of the situation.
    Pippa heard Mandy and Caitlin groan at Riley’s tactless remark as she turned bright red.
    Rook ignored Riley’s comments and turned his attention to a now speechless and suddenly uncomfortable-looking Cassie.
    “Well, hello there. I don’t believe we have met—or have we? I’m Mitch Harris, but everyone calls me Rook. What’s your name?”
    Riley, not understanding the game Rook was playing, jumped in to introduce Cassie. “Hey, Rook, meet Cassandra Davies, Pipsqueak’s best friend.”
    “Cassandra, you say?” Rook drawled as he also favoured her friend’s hand with a kiss. “What a lovely name.”
    Pippa could see the look of embarrassment on Cassie’s face—her features were flushed, her eyes downcast, averted from Rook’s piercing stare. Luckily, for all concerned, Brodie arrived at that moment and hijacked the conversation before it could get any more uncomfortable.
    “Glad to

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