Pieces (Riverdale #1)

Read Online Pieces (Riverdale #1) by Janine Infante Bosco - Free Book Online

Book: Pieces (Riverdale #1) by Janine Infante Bosco Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janine Infante Bosco
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How did his brother know and not him?
“Yeah, what the hell are you talking about, bro? When did Sam go to Seattle?”
Jake asked.
          Luke looked directly at Nick, which
infuriated Jake. She was his sister too, and he wanted answers. “We’re going to
play this game?”
          “I don’t give a shit about the game you
two are playing right now, Talk Luke. When did Sam go to Seattle?” Jake spat, his
patience was just about done with these two clowns.
          Luke studied Nick’s face, not paying much
mind to Jake, who was two seconds from throttling him, brother or no brother.
Realizing Nick was being sincere and that Jake was probably going to snap, he fessed
up. “When she graduated, mom and dad sent her to California. They thought she
was visiting Uncle Johnny. We all did.” He nodded toward Jake, and then looked
back at Nick. “But I was the only one home, when Uncle Johnny called and said
she never got there. I called the airlines and found she traded in her ticket,
for a one way to Seattle.”
          “Why the fuck didn’t you tell anybody?”
Asked Jake, he could feel his blood pressure rising, as his head began to
throb.   “What if something had happened
to her? We thought she was in a completely different state!”
          “Because, I knew she’d be with him!” Luke
yelled back at his brother. “He wouldn’t have let anything happen to her.
Besides, I thought, maybe they’d finally stop dancing around each other and why
should any of us stand in the way of that.”
          Nick sat down, taking in Luke’s words.
Jake lit another cigarette, wishing he had a shot of whiskey instead. “She
never came to me.” He looked up at Luke.
          “She called me the next day after she
landed. Asked me to put money in her checking account, claiming she spent all
her cash on Rodeo Drive.” He shrugged his shoulders. “She needed the cash to
buy her return ticket. Guess she chickened out.”
          Jake shook his head, exhaling a cloud of
smoke. “Nah, she don’t, chicken out for shit. She’s got more balls than all of
us put together.”
          “He’s right.” Nick said dully. “Why didn’t
you call me and tell me she was in Seattle, after she called you?”
          “Nick, I didn’t know what you were doing
with her. But like you didn’t want to lose us, I didn’t want to lose you
either. I stood out of it.” He put his hand on his shoulder. “Look at me.”
lifted his head and looked at his friend. “You can’t change the past, you can
only make good on the present. I’m only going to ask you once, and then I’m
going to give you my blessing, and pray for the fucking best.” He paused. “You
seriously want to give it a go with Sam?”
          Without skipping a beat, Nick replied,
          Jake rolled his eye; his brother was
torturing the poor bastard, but he didn’t say a word.
          “Then figure shit out and go for it.”
          Nick nodded, swallowing. “Thank you.”
          “I love you, Man. Be good to her, though.”
Luke said sincerely.
          “Ahem.” Jake cleared his throat. “Can I
make a request?” Both men turned to him. “No locker room talk about, our
laughed slightly. Jake looked at him seriously. Hell, he would give his
blessing, lord knew he was going to need it, if he was going to reel their
firecracker of a sister, in, but he wasn’t kidding about hearing the details.
          “Deal,” Nick said and grabbed Luke and
pulled him into a hug. “I’ll be good to her.”
          “I know you will.” Luke said, sure of it.
          Jake blew out a breath and broke the two
of them up and shoved Nick a little, kidding around. “Now you just have to get
her to look at you without staring daggers at you. Good Luck brother, you’re
going to need it.”
          Luke laughed at him, “Well, I’m sure
you’ll be there adding your

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