
Read Online Physical by Gabriella Luciano - Free Book Online

Book: Physical by Gabriella Luciano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabriella Luciano
Tags: BDSM, spanking
clothes and after that, it just turned into a drunken blur. The
last thing she remembered was the two of them sneaking up to the
roof where no one could see what they were doing. Even at her young
age, she knew that life was short and she didn’t want to waste a
single moment on it because of fear of what other people thought.
Not everyone else, though, had the same perspective.
    It was early on Friday morning when she got
the list. She was walking up the broad cement stairs in front of
the school. She had finally gotten used to wearing the regimented
blue and green plaid skirt, the white button-up and the white socks
that the private school had decided was the way that school girls
should look. She was beaming with excitement that she had finely
turned 18 and the whole world was going to open up for her.
    It must have been that gleaming smile spread
across her face that caught the attention of the goodies. The
unquestionable leader of the clique was Brittney Van Slauson. She
looked like a blond-haired Amazon goddess of white girls. She was
nearly six foot tall, had the slender curves of a model, possessed
a pair of blue eyes as pure as the sky and walked around like she
was going to step on you if you didn’t move out of her way. Her
father had also donated so much money to the school that they named
the library after her family name.
    When Valentina entered the central hallway,
it was as if time suddenly went into slow motion. Brittney’s eyes
locked onto her in a hard, cold gaze and a devious smile spread
across her seemingly angelic face. Brittney moved immediately
toward her and Valentina’s body tensed up as she waited for
Brittney to accost her with some new insult. She never understood
why but just being in the presence of that Nordic-looking goddess
made her tremble. She always got the sense that she was going to do
something physical to her. It was inexplicable but the mere sight
of her brought butterflies to her stomach. When their two bodies
met this time, though, Brittney merely stopped in front of her,
took a folded piece of paper from her bag and handed it to
    “ What’s this?” she asked
    “ I think you know,
Valentina,” she replied with a haughty smirk.
    “ No, I don’t,” she said to
her coldly.
    “ Well, you should have
known it was coming and you were going to be on it.”
    Valentina unfolded the small piece of torn
notebook paper and looked down at what was written on it. There
were eight names, scribed in Brittney’s elegant handwriting, with
her name at the top.
    “ It’s the slut list,”
Brittney told her, “and you’re the number one slut.”Brittney looked
her up and down, and then just laughed.
    Valentina’s heart beat heavily for a few
quick seconds, trying to figure out what this meant.
    “ You’ll be on it for the
rest of the year so you’d better get used to it,” she sneered, and
then just walked away with her books held adroitly in her folded
arms like a model student.
    Valentina just shook her head in disbelief
and kept on walking down the hall. At first, she didn’t think
anything of the stunt but it didn’t take long to figure out that
she wasn’t the only one who knew about the list. When she turned
the corner and headed toward her locker, a wave of eyes descended
on her. They giggled or snickered to each other before they
motioned toward her so their friends knew exactly who they were
talking about. The blood flushed through her face. She wanted to
run away then and there, but she held strong and marched on to her
locker. She quickly took out the book she needed, slammed the
locker shut and rushed off to her first class.
    When she entered the class, the eyes
cascaded toward her once again and she rapidly slipped into her
seat, opening her book to pretend to read. She couldn’t believe
this was happening. She still had the list in her hand and she
stealthily took it out to read it. She placed it on the fold of her
book and opened it. At

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