
Read Online PassionsTraining by Cara Carnes - Free Book Online

Book: PassionsTraining by Cara Carnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Carnes
Tags: Erótica
part of her was…
    Her toes curled at the thought. What did they have planned for her? Would she have to do the walk of shame this morning and come back another time? Had they changed their mind? Did Doms do scenes in daylight, or were they like BDSM vampires who clung to the safety of a darkened dungeon under a moonlit sky?
    Okay, no more SyFy channel.
    Accepting that her riotous hair was simply looking for a reason for her backside to get another romp with a paddle by slowing her down, Viviana put on the jersey. If she didn’t bend over, it’d cover her ass and a small bit of thigh. The neckline plunged lower than she’d expected it to and the arms swallowed her to the elbow.
    Wandering back into the bedroom, the scent of frying bacon wafted in the air. Her stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday thanks to her jumbled nerves and an unhealthy fear of bodily functions going awry under all the stress.
    Immaculate wood flooring covered the hallway. A soft cream color adorned the walls. Black-and-white landscape photography dotted the walls of a leather-sofa-clad living room. Leather ottomans filled the corners.
    She paused at the entryway to the kitchen and took a deep breath. Mumbled curses echoed from the room before her. Taking one last breath, she stepped into the room.
    “Goddamn idiot, she’s not going to want a freaking protein shake for breakfast.” Lance shook his head and continued chopping what she suspected were mushrooms. “If I left it up to you, she’d be eating MREs for the next two weeks.”
    “As if you’re any better.” Stryker picked up a blender and poured some gray liquid into a glass.
    “Hey, at least I know how to cook a fucking breakfast.”
    “You’re a long way from Martha Stewart, man.”
    “Does she even cook?”
    “Hell if I know.”
    “Well, after that time in New York with Autumn I realized the value of a good cooked meal.”
    Pangs of jealousy drifted through her. Who was Autumn? Hadn’t she heard the name before?
    “I’d hardly call the mess you’re making good.” Stryker peeled a banana and set it on a plate.
    “Fuck you.” Lance set the knife down and palmed the mushrooms. “This isn’t for you anyway.”
    “Are omelets supposed to be black?” Stryker glanced over at the skillet. “If you set off my sprinkler system, I’ll have you put on KP duty for a year.”
    “Crap.” Lance turned and grabbed the spatula. Viviana covered her mouth to suppress her laughter, but the two men whirled.
    Suddenly she wasn’t hungry. Her nipples hardened as the two men stared at her.
    Viviana pointed to the skillet behind them and tried not to laugh any louder than she already had. “Fire.”
    Lance sprang into action, flipping the stove off and covering the skillet with a lid. So much for the eggs. He wiped his hands on a dish towel and flung it into the sink. Stryker prowled forward.
    “Did you enjoy my bed, little one?”
    “It would’ve been better if I’d had some company,” she whispered as she glanced down and fidgeted. “Sorry I passed out.”
    “I guess we know you aren’t a rum and Coke girl,” Lance teased.
    “It would’ve gone over better if I hadn’t skipped a couple of meals.” She fumbled with her hair and cleared her throat. “Sorry I stole your bed. I can’t believe I passed out.”
    “You’d had a long night,” Lance commented.
    She glanced at the hallway leading to what she assumed was the exit. “I wasn’t sure whether you wanted me to just leave or come in here first, but you did mention breakfast.”
    Stryker cupped her face and wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her flush against his body. Warmth trickled between her legs. “We definitely didn’t want you leaving.”
    Lance stepped behind her and ran his hands up her thighs. “We’ve got a full day planned for you.”
    A full day. Viviana winced and glanced at the phone. “I’m supposed to work. I can call in though.”
    “Good,” Lance

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