Passion's Twins

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Book: Passion's Twins by Dee Brice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Brice
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gaze to the young woman striding
through the bailey. “Who has need of a blanket in this heat?”
    “Not married a month, yet my wife has forgotten trysting
beneath the willows.”
    “We did not tryst, m’lord. We—”
    “Swived. The ground was hard and cold.”
    “Which is why you—gallant king—permitted me to ride.” She
laughed and snuggled against him. “Which woman is that? Can you tell?”
    “Rowena. See how she bears her bundle in her right hand? She
leaves her left hand free to lift her skirts or ward off an unwanted suitor.”
    “Hmmm. Have you informed your brothers how easy it is to
tell the twins apart?”
    “And spoil the ladies’ game? Nay. Edgar and Gerard must
recognize their differences without assistance.”
    “As Vinn and Banan did? When they finally saw Willa and
Pippa together?”
    “Vinn and Banan were ignorant of the game you and your
sisters played. Gerard and Edgar have known about the twins from the
    “Which apparently has gained them little advantage. Oops,
there goes Edina—carrying…whatever in her left hand.”
    “Paints, I believe. She carries with her splashes of
color—discernable to an astute observer.”
    Yvonne laughed. “The twins appear to be headed in the same
direction. It seems the game is about to draw to an end.”
    Gareth held out his arm.
    Placing her hand upon it, Yvonne asked, “Where are we going,
my king?”
    “I think we shall punt upriver. Perhaps join in the
activities.” He kissed her.
    “There is a soft, wide bed here, m’lord.”
    “Later, my queen. I am curious to see how this farce will
    * * * * *
    Gleeful, Kerrie rubbed her hands together. This game brought
her so much pleasure she might allow it to continue forever. But no. Sooner or
later, the twins would recognize their folly and confess their sins. Until
then… She followed Yvonne and Gareth, eager to see what might happen next.
    * * * * *
    “Which tree? Which tree?” Rowena muttered, feeling lost and
frustrated. She was certain Edgar had said the third tree beyond the split in
the path. But she had never used the path before today and had just discovered
a second split. Or was it the third? Perhaps Edgar meant the first willow
beyond the third split. On the verge of tears, she slumped on a convenient rock
and hugged blanketed Ariel to her chest.
    And shrieked when two rough hands over her eyes blinded her.
    “Hush, Edina,” a voice soothed. Edgar’s voice? she
wondered as a soft cloth replaced the unknown man’s hands. But why would Edgar
call her Edina when she carried Ariel? Had he been expecting Edina? Had he
believed her to be Edina when he made this assignation?
    “Come with me,” he—whoever he was—whispered.
    “I cannot see.”
    “Then you must trust me. The path is level and there are no
obstacles to trip us.”
    “Why have you blindfolded me?” Yet she stood and took a
cautious step forward. With his hand on her elbow she felt less unsteady.
    “To heighten your awareness of sound and scent and…touch.”
    She thought he brushed against something. “Duck,” he
    She bent, obeying his silent command to step forward. A soft shhh made her imagine the willow branches falling into place behind
them. Yes, they must be beneath the willow. It felt cooler here and the river’s
flow sounded muted.
    He took Ariel from her, holding her steady as she sank to
the ground. But this ground felt surprisingly soft—like silk and velvet—and a
subtle scent drifted upward from it.
    She drew a deep breath.
    “Sandalwood,” the man explained. “’Tis said Yvonne’s father
seduced her mother on these very pillows.”
    Those words—those softly murmured words—flowed over Rowena’s
body like a lover’s caress. Her breasts ached. Her nipples hardened. Moisture
seeped between her thighs. Edgar , her mind whispered. Surely this must
be Edgar for her to feel these strange yet wondrous sensations.
    “Did you enjoy my brother’s

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