Pack Security (Were Chronicles)

Read Online Pack Security (Were Chronicles) by Crissy Smith - Free Book Online

Book: Pack Security (Were Chronicles) by Crissy Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crissy Smith
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
he didn’t end up embarrassing them both. Her brother might return at any time.
    “Be good,” he warned playfully when she tried to chase his mouth.
    She lifted a brow. “Oh, I can be so very good.”
    He snorted, stepping back. “Not with your brother close by,” he teased, popping her on the ass with a light slap.
    Her carefree laughter warmed his heart. They might have a lot of concern, but they would get through it. He would make damn sure.
    Max spotted Alex heading back toward them and retook his seat. Cassie smirked at him and returned to lean against the rail.
    “Shawn is calling the Council right now. He and Chase will come over to the house as soon as they can,” Alex informed them as he stepped up to the porch.
    “I’m going to call Jacob and make sure he can make it too. I thought we could have a barbeque. It’s a nice evening and we need to return to some sort of routine.”
    “Sounds good,” Cassie agreed. “I’ll make a few side dishes. The least we can do is feed everyone if we’re going to put them in danger.”
    “Hey!” Alex strode up the steps and to his sister. “This is not your fault.”
    “I know,” she said softly. “Really, I do, but I can’t help but… This sucks!”
    Alex nodded as he chuckled. “It does. Just remember there are five artists in the showing, four of them are shifters, and we don’t even know why this show is being targeted. We’ve had many over the years. Let us figure this out.”
    She nodded. “I’m going to go start on some food.”
    Max kept himself from reaching out to her as she passed. He wanted to comfort her, to take her back to the moment when she was laughing happily. As she stepped back inside, Alex growled. Max turned to him.
    Alex stood, hands fisted at his side. “I want to kill whoever is doing this to her, to us all.”
    Since Max felt the same way, he couldn’t really offer anything to say.
    “I’ve got to call Jacob. Stay close to her?”
    “I will,” Max promised. He waited until Alex was stalking back to the main house, then Max turned and followed Cassie.
    He found her at the kitchen sink scrubbing potatoes. “You okay?”
    “Fine,” she answered shortly.
    He moved up behind her and placed his hands on her hips.
    She sighed and leaned back into him. “I forgot for a minute outside. With you. How can I be happy and so scared at the same time?”
    Max nuzzled her neck. “It’s natural. You’ve got a lot thrown at you right now. It’s okay to feel good while you’re still worried. It’s okay to feel pleasure.”
    She turned and faced him. “I just keep thinking if all of this wasn’t happening, I wouldn’t have met you again. You wouldn’t be here with me.”
    Max leaned closer and rubbed his nose against hers. “I think we would have. Somehow we would have found each other. This, between us, is too good for us not to have found a way to each another. “
    “Max,” she whispered. “Kiss me.”
    Max did as she requested. He could spend forever kissing her.

Chapter Seven
    Cassie felt better. She’d made potato salad, dips for chips and coleslaw for dinner, then she’d stepped into a quick, hot shower. Max hadn’t even tried to join her and she was little disappointed. She kept telling herself that they’d have time together, but she was struggling with patience. She wanted the man.
    While she’d cleaned up, Max had linked all of the new cameras from her place, the main house and Jacob’s residence to his laptop. He’d taught her how to work the programs and she appreciated the fact that he was including her, showing her how he was keeping her safe.
    He had the laptop on the deck table as they waited for everyone to arrive. Alex had started the grill before pulling beers out of the cooler and passing them around.
    There was a nice cool breeze that Cassie welcomed as she sat next to Max, admiring him. With his head bent over the computer screen, she was able to watch him without him noticing. He

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