Read Online OWNED PART II: BLAZING DEVILS MC by Alexa Rynn - Free Book Online

Book: OWNED PART II: BLAZING DEVILS MC by Alexa Rynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Rynn
as he studied me. “Fine, when
you get out then. I’ll pick you up at close.”
    I paused, what was
he trying to pull here?
    “Look, I can’t
just take off for the night-“
    “Figure it out,”
he snapped, cutting me off. His eyes were filled with annoyance now. He wasn’t
used to anyone saying no to him or questioning his authority and it was
starting to really piss him off.
    “Why?” I demanded.
“You could take any girl in this city to dinner, they would probably kill for
that chance, ask one of them! I actually have a life!”
    Link sighed loudly
and ran one of his hands over his head. Then he looked up at me; anger and
dominance burned through his eyes into me. “Because, Lacey, I don’t want any
other girl in the city, I want you. Now get out of my office.”
    I wanted to stay
something else. I wanted to challenge him again.
    But somehow I knew
better and I opened the door to leave.
    Once I was in the
hallway I closed the door behind me, took a deep breath, smoothed out my skirt
and turned around to head back to work. But I didn’t make it very far because
on the other side of the hall looking at me like I was some type of slut that
should be thrown out into the trash was Jay. He looked me up and down slowly
and let out an evil laugh that turned into a snarl and then slinked over toward
me slowly.
    His light features
were puckered up into a look of pure hate as he looked me up and down like I
was damaged goods. I could tell he was trying to make me feel gross and I was
trying to not give him the satisfaction. There was a fresh bruise forming over
the top of his head from where Link knocked him in the head with a gun for not
listening to him yesterday.
    “Well, well, would
you look at what we have here?” Jay said, puckering his huge lips out in
distaste. “Now what could little Lacey have been doing in the back office in
the middle of the day?”
    I went to move
past him back toward the kitchen of the restaurant but he grabbed my arm,
pulling me roughly back in front of him. “Where you going? What? Why you trying
to run away from me, sweet thing?”
    I moved my arm out
of his grip and took a step away from him. “What do you want?”
    Jay snickered,
pure evil burning through his eyes. “What do I want? What do I want? I want you
to stop walking around like you own this place just because you get to suck
Link’s dick.”
    I didn’t even know
what the hell he was talking about. I had just started hooking up with Link a
day ago. I wasn’t acting like I owned anything. I didn’t even want anyone
knowing Link Ford knew who I was.
    “I’m not-“
    “Don’t bother
denying it. Club hoes always try to deny that they a hoe. In fact, what do you
say we go out to my car and I can show you how much of a hoe you are, huh?” He
ran his fingers over my neck and started sniffing my hair. “You’d probably like
getting treated like the nasty little slut you are.”
    “Fuck you!” I
snapped, pushing him off of me and taking off down the hall.
    He grabbed me with
little effort, pulling me back toward him. He threw me against the wall in the
hallway and wrapped one of his fat hands around my neck. “You think you’re
special? You aren’t, you aren’t nothing. You’re just another club whore that
Link sticks it in. Remember that, bitch.” He pushed his hand against my neck
harder and I started to choke.
    He laughed and
released his grip a little.
    “Let me go right
now or I swear to god I’ll start screaming as loud as I can,” I whispered
between choked up gasps.
    Jay released my
neck and smirked. “Go ahead.” I took off down the hall and he laughed at me.
“I’d be careful if I were you, Lacey. The world can be a scary place for a girl
like you. You never know who’s hiding in the darkness just waiting to pop out
and get you.”
    I could still hear
him laughing when I rounded the corner back in the kitchen.
    Jay stared at me
for the next four hours of my shift. He really did. He literally

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