Out of My Element
her. I couldn’t help but notice how attractive her feet were, not to mention
the incredible legs that they were attached to.
    “I met up with Talia and Ava. We
had a couple of drinks.” That would explain the red blush on her cheeks and the
smile that had covered her pretty face ever since she waltzed through the door.
    “There’s trouble.” I chuckled.
“How’s the dynamic duo?”
    “A riot, as usual. Talia and Tom
are finally moving in together, not that they didn’t basically live together
anyway, but they are giving up her apartment.”
    “That doesn’t surprise me one bit.”
I knew this was coming, but I wasn’t sure if they would get engaged beforehand
or not. There was no doubt in my mind that they would get married. They had a
connection that could rival Trevor and Ava’s.
    “Hey, speaking of friends, Adam
asked me out.” I froze momentarily, and was thankful that my back was to her. I
picked up the spoon and began stirring the sauce.
    “Really?” I did my best to control
my voice. “Good for you. You guys will be great together.” I turned around and
looked at her, doing my best to smile, although I’m pretty sure I looked like a
toddler trying to take a secret shit. It’s amazing how jealous I was getting
when Chelsea wasn’t even my girlfriend.
    “Oh, okay, thanks.” She smiled back
at me before hopping off the stool and walking over to the couch. I dished our
plates up with spaghetti and sauce as I watched her tap out a text message. I
assumed it was to Adam, and I kicked myself for not stopping her. Adam is an
asshole to women. I don’t want him to hurt her.
    Dinner was a bit awkward and quiet,
and I know it was because of my shitty attitude. Chelsea offered to clean up
since I cooked, so I took my laundry to my room to fold and hang up.
    Opening the closet, my heart sped
up when I saw her extremely feminine clothing hanging next to mine. It should
scare me to have a woman’s things taking over my apartment, but it didn’t.
Plus, this wasn’t just any woman; this was my Chelsea. She was my
friend, and I genuinely cared for her.
    I let one of her new dresses slip
through my fingers. It was so soft, and I could picture how it would hug
Chelsea’s body.
    “Did I take up too much space?”
    I spun around quickly. “Uh, no. I
was just making sure I didn’t crowd your clothes. I don’t want to wrinkle
    “Nick?” Chelsea closed the distance
between us, and wrapped her arms around my waist. God, she smelled like heaven.
    I pulled her into me and rested my
chin on her head. “Are you okay?”
    “Yeah, I just wanted to say thank
    “For what?” I pulled back so I
could look at her.
    “For letting me stay here.” She
smiled. “For being such a good friend.”
    “You’re welcome, Chelsea. I’m glad
you decided to stay.” I kissed her on the head before I let her go and stepped
back. “Are we running tomorrow?” I needed to change the subject before I made a
fool of myself.
    “Definitely.” She grinned. “Want to
watch a movie?”
    “I’ll make popcorn; you choose a
    I watched her from the kitchen. I
was surprised at how easy it was to have her here. I always thought it would be
a hardship to have a woman stay with me. That was why I never let any of the
women I slept with stay the night. I didn’t want to give them any hope that
they would be more to me than a good time. Chelsea was different. I genuinely
liked having her here. Seeing her asleep in my bed earlier today did strange
things to my stomach. Her beautiful red hair sprawled around my pillow. Her
pale skin, long eyelashes and pink lips slightly parted—she really was
    I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and
headed to the couch. “What are we watching, Chelsea girl?” 
    “ How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days .”
She grinned.
    “Ah, vagina-vision. You’re lucky I
like you. I don’t watch chick-flicks for just anyone.” I winked and laughed at
her goofy smile as

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