Our Picnics in the Sun

Read Online Our Picnics in the Sun by Morag Joss - Free Book Online

Book: Our Picnics in the Sun by Morag Joss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morag Joss
Tags: Mystery
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Mum! might be looking good for end of month if still ok with you? hope
you’re ok
    more soon
    A xxx
    Sent from my BlackBerry
    From: deborah​stoneyridge@​yahoo.​com

    Sent on wed 10 aug 2011 at 11.03 GMT
    Adam darling
    Oh, that is great news!! Let’s have the flight details please!!! I wish I
could meet you at the airport but the van doesn’t like long journeys these days (let’s
face it, it never did!) In any case I probably shouldn’t be away from here that long anyway,
and if I brought Dad along it’d be difficult for him and then you’d have to ride home
in the back which would NOT be comfortable!
    BUT please DO be a love and let me know the details. Sorry to
nag but I’ll be waiting!!! Will you be hiring a car? Don’t forget once you’re
here you won’t really need it, the van’s still fine on short journeys and you can have
it any time. The shop, library, prescriptions, stroke club etc on Wednesdays is all I use it
    Adam, you won’t get a taxi all the way from the airport will you? Whatever
they’re paying you that would be terribly extravagant and if Dad got wind of it he’d
have a fit.
    Come to think of it best thing would be to take a train to Taunton and I’ll
pick you up there. Or even Exeter. AS LONG AS I KNOW WHEN AND WHERE!
    Dad’s dying to see you, I tell him every day you’re coming! Adam,
you mustn’t be upset if you see a change. It’s not just the beard and hair gone (yes
he still insists he isn’t having them back again!). The thing is he’s speaking a bit
less. After he got some speech back initially he’s gone back a bit since the last time you
saw him. The stroke nurse says that can happen, and we have to remember it’s not necessarily
a problem inside his brain as such, it’s the ability to communicate. I think emotions
especially. Maybe it’s just too exhausting. So he might not seem thrilled to see you, it
might look as if it hasn’t even registered, and there’s the added problem of this
vision problem – he can only register about half his normal visual field even though his eyes
still work so it’s very confusing, you can never be sure which half he sees and which he
    But he can be as bright as a button on his good days, he takes in everything!
Though to be honest he can be naughty, he’ll just switch off when it suits him, for instance
I can’t get through to him about the shaving, how it just adds to the list of things to do. I
did try once or twice just not doing it but he got his message across! Not to worry.
    Main thing is FLIGHTS!!!
    Ps please ring the house with flights as I won’t get to email again till
next wed
    To: deborah​stoneyridge@​yahoo.​com
    Sent on thurs 11 aug 2011 at 21.23 EST
    Mum hoping to make it but nothing’s definite yet, you know what
it’s like ok?! Still working on it, but it’s pretty crazy round here! Out of office
rest of week Will keep you posted. Luv xxx
    Sent from my BlackBerry
    From: deborah​stoneyridge@​yahoo.​com

    Sent on wed 17 aug 2011 at 11.47 GMT
    darling do what you can!!! Freezer’s full and fridge will be groaning! I
can’t believe they can’t give you a week off. Five days even, whatever you can manage.
Email’s great but we haven’t actually seen you for ages! Will be tackling your room
tomorrow, not that it’s all that bad – rest of house will get a once over too, the B
& B rooms could do with a spit and polish. I haven’t really advertised this year so
we’ve had nobody to speak of, just a handful using last year’s Staying on Exmoor
leaflet – it’s really a tall order on top of everything! Do so hope you’ll make
it somehow, I know you’ll do your VERY best …
    ALL fingers and toes crossed you’ll be here by 28th, –
we’re expecting you! Lots of love and can’t wait Mum

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