Original Match [Ménage.com 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Online Original Match [Ménage.com 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Peyton Elizabeth - Free Book Online

Book: Original Match [Ménage.com 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Peyton Elizabeth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peyton Elizabeth
Tags: Romance
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makes all the difference in the world.”
    “What I know is that Shea deserves better than to be tucked away somewhere like we are ashamed of what relationship we could develop with her.” Ian looked up and met Gray’s eyes in the reflection of the window. “Her life is more important than money. I want this bastard caught. And after that, you need to get your head out of your ass, or we’re going to lose her.”

Chapter Six
    Shea looked at the bedside table for the umpteenth time. It still read one seventeen in the morning. She was resigned to the fact that she wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight. Between visions of being taken by some deranged psycho and then saved by Gray and Ian, her creative side was in overdrive. There was always a silver lining though, and hers was that she would one day be able to use all these feelings and create a wonderful story. Although it all depended on if she lived through this ordeal.
    She had spoken to Cyn before crawling into bed. Part of the conversation centered on the fact that she had a stalker. Shea warned her to be very careful on her trip to Indiana. Even though the man after her was likely still here in Chicago, Shea was worried that he would go after her friends. Of course, when Cyn had found out that she was staying with Gray and Ian, the discussion turned to the fact that Shea should take advantage of the situation and finally enjoy herself. What Cyn didn’t understand was that Shea knew deep down that getting involved with Gray and Ian wouldn’t be something casual, and she wasn’t sure that she wanted something serious—especially when one of the men would want to hide her. Knowing their chat wasn’t going to solve anything, Shea ended it with having Cyn promise her she would keep her eyes open for anything suspicious.
    After hanging up, Shea had tried to reach Elise. After a few detours to voice mail, she had left a message giving a short explanation of what had happened in the last twelve hours, leaving out her confusing feelings for Gray and Ian. She left a request that Elise call her first thing in the morning.
    Shea was thirsty. She’d needed something to drink for the last hour, but had debated on whether she should head into the kitchen. She hadn’t wanted to run into Gray or Ian if she stepped outside of the bedroom. She thought she had heard raised voices earlier, but hadn’t been sure. It was around midnight when she heard them shuffle down the hallway to their rooms. An hour should be long enough for them to have fallen asleep, so it should be safe for her to get up now.
    Pulling back the covers, she looked at her bare legs and debated putting on her dress pants. She was only wearing the T-shirt that had been left out for her, and even though it came down to her thighs, it was still a tad bit indecent. Deciding against it, she slid out of bed and made her way to the door. Turning the handle, she listened closely. Hearing nothing, she breathed a sigh of relief and slipped into the darkened hallway. Looking to her left, both doors to the other bedrooms were closed. Turning right, she noticed a low light had been left on in the kitchen, illuminating her way.
    She saw that the refrigerator had a water dispenser. Taking a guess, she opened the cabinet door closest to the appliance hoping to find a glass.
    “Need some help?”
    Shea yelped and spun around, placing a hand over her racing heart. Ian stood there with a pair of black silk pajama pants. The sight of him stole her breath, her eyes taking in his lean body, with abs that seemed to have more than a six-pack. She would have trouble describing his body in a book—that is how beautiful he was.
    “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Ian crossed his arms, causing his pectoral muscles to shift under the movement. “I heard you leave your room and wanted to make sure you were all right. I know today was a shock for you, finding out that someone is after you.”
    “I’m sorry if I woke you,”

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